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Sebastian has a new friend- Marley..

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:57 pm
by Crabby71
So, I got Sebastian a friend. A PP about the same size from the same place I bought Sebastian. I gave the new crab a bath and he/ she seems to be adjusting nicely. I also found my old 15 gallon tank so I moved them into that, since they were in a platic habitat( I didn't know better when I bought it).I noticed Sebastian likes to sit on his little hiding log and apparently, so does Marley. No real aggession between the two but Sebastian did kind of nudge Marley off of it this morning. Marley just went over to the coconut hut and sulked,lol.

Sebastian has a new friend- Marley..

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:57 pm
by Laurie LeAnn
My crabs used to kick each other off this ledge I had!!