Crabs having trouble getting to water dishes

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Crabs having trouble getting to water dishes

Post by Horsejazz34 » Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:10 am

My crabs haven't ever been in their water dishes that I've seen. The one that has the salt water has an area where they can climb up to it attached and a bottom that includes steps at various depths that they've gotten to but turned away from while I was watching at least. While they were in their old home( not good conditions but a cage like carrier) they got into the freshwater water dish no problem( their waste was in it) however now every time I've seen them try to get too it they've fallen off the area that they have to climb to get to it. In their old house they could climb up the cage walls and over and into it.What should I do to fix this problem let me know if pictures would help.
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Crabs having trouble getting to water dishes

Post by Geranium » Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:05 pm

I looked at the photo you posted before of your tank and I assume your water dishes are the same, one that is part of a stone hut (cool by the way) and an orange one. Neither of these should be a problem for even the smallest crab to get into. I would just leave them be, they will figure it out. Talia didnt get in hers that I saw but somehow she got them dirty sometimes, sometimes not and she is one of the tiniest I have ever seen. The reason they were in the water in the wire cage is because that was the only way they had a chance to survive by soothing their modified gills which were being harmed by lack of good levels of humidity.
