
Where to post about the loss of your beloved pet hermit crabs. Replies are not permitted in this forum; please PM a member with your condolences for his or her loss.

Topic author
Krabbin' Carmen


Post by Krabbin' Carmen » Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:50 am

I had a little friend named Peanut who never bothered anyone. He was sweet and gentle and kind. He loved to explore wherever he was...his antennae going a mile aminute as he climbed on the back of the sofa or the stuff on my computer desk. He loved to climb the little hills that Bree would build out of my Jenga woodblocks. Now he is at the Rainbow Bridge and I miss him. I only hope that his passing was swift and he didn't suffer. I know he is happy now...he is with his brothers and sisters that have gone on before him.Peace and Blessed Be,Carmen
