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before i got Coconut, i had another hermit crab, Stripey. the pour dear had a painted shell though. it was my first time getting hermit crabs. i didn't know THAT much. i got her on a tuesday and she died that Saturday. so i only had her for 5 days. i was so sad. i had taken her out of their home and i gave her a squirt. she usually came out before i even squirted her. she didn't move. a sneaking suspician told me that she was dead. i didn't want to believe it though. i held her more often than Kiwi because she was much more out going. i sat on my bed for a while crying, while holding pour Stripey's body. i thought she might be molting. i left her in the cage just in case . the next day i was talking to my bffl and her mom after church. they said that if the crabby smelt like rotten fish than she was dead. i checked and discovered that she smelt awful. i was totally bummed out. so i went and got Coconut. who seems to be doing fine. and my hermies have been happy since!