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I love you Speedy! I'm so sorry you left me...

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:08 am
by Guest
This morning I went to check on you hermie, spike, spy and charles, but you were stuck under the food dish, and were all dried up and pale looking.... I ran up the stairs with you in my hands crying my eyes and heart out, right now i ma leaving your poor little body with your friends for a moment to say goodbye, then i too will wish you well, and hope that you enjoy hermie heaven. I'm sorry that didn't see sooner that you were stuck, and perhaps I could have saved you, but I moved you just yesterday, and you went back to your little spot under the water bowl, perhaps you just knew that it was your time and you wanted to be left there in peace. But I hope that you enjoyed you time with me as much as I did with you, and that your friends will miss you very much for sure. Goodbye Speedy, I will miss you so much!Love,Jennifer I love you Speedy!