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Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:31 am
by Tenchi_Chan
My boyfriend and I's rat died yesterday He was our little love and I miss him very much.When I was over at my boyfriends, We would take BenBen out and lay on the couch watching a movie.BenBen would sit with us, eat our popcorn, and cuddle up between Brandon [my boyfriend] and I.It's kind of a funny story of how we got BenBen. He was actually a feeder rat Brandon and I got at Petco to feed SNAKEY, Brandon's snake. We went to get feeder mice, and instead, they gave us a feeder rat! We decided to keep BenBen instead of feed him to Snakey. He grew up to be way bigger than most pet rats, and he was extremely tame! We had him for 3.5 years before he passed away yesterday He had been sick for these last few weeks, but he seemed to be making a recovery. I thought for sure he would make it through, but I was wrong Our little baby died...