I'll miss you Ashley...
I'll miss you Ashley...
I didn't get to know you very well, and I was trying hard to save you from the beginning. I didn't want to believe you were dead, It didn't really sink in, the sadness, until I had finally pushed the lever on the toilet to flush you...I'm sorry buddy I tried. I really did. I feel like a failure...I just hope that I made what little life you had left happy...Alina and I will miss you forever. -Star
Sing For What You Feel Inside
R.I.P. Ashley 11/28/12
R.I.P. Ashley 2.0 4/3/13
I have 7 PPs named Alina, Jake, Ella, Jinxx, Sammi, Andy, and Juliet
R.I.P. Ashley 11/28/12
R.I.P. Ashley 2.0 4/3/13
I have 7 PPs named Alina, Jake, Ella, Jinxx, Sammi, Andy, and Juliet