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I'm gonna miss Priscilla! :o(

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:13 am
by Guest
She went thru BOTH a Topside and a below Sand molt and then she was put so very gently into an ISO and I guess it turned out to be her grave! Priscilla passed away last week! I miss her and her timidness that turned into boldness once she "Got out of her shell" (Pardon the expression/pun) and I really thought I did everything right this time!!! Sadly it wasn't to be the case! I guess I must put this in my journal and what you all give me as advice will be added as well! This way when one of my others (Yoga, Nipper and Elvis) EVER go into a molt I will know what NOT to do and WHAT to do! I only hope I don't repeat anything that I did with Priscilla. I usually learn by my mistakes but NEVER at the cost of a life! And that is now 6 crablets that I have lost. 4 in the last month!!! Please help me out with some advice on what to do when they go into a molt. Do they dig into the sand and then I should wait until they surface to put them into ISO or do I leave them and block them off with plexiglass so the others can't get to whoever it is that is molting? I have a nice piece of plexi that will go below the sand and above the sand and will be a formidable wall! Thanks for listening and thanks for letting me share my losses.Peace and Blessed Be, Carmen