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Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:57 am
by Guest
I haven't had a death for four months now.Yet, a tiny crab can be such a big part of your crabbing experience. My brother misses him dearly as its hard on him. He's indescribable.He was so cute yet a lazy king of his huge green turbo. He struts around like he's the king of the hut. He hogs all honey at sight-he loves scarfing down a tender chicken. He was buddies with London Bee. They both died of a bad molt. I hope I learn from this and Bronzon will never be forgotten. My poor little Bronzon.You will NEVER be forgotten in my family.My dad enjoyied seeing you strut around like he's the man. You never pinched anyone and you were showered with love from my brother.I'll see you in the rainbow when I die.