Long time crabber, new crabs on the way, trying to do better

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Long time crabber, new crabs on the way, trying to do better

Post by lessthansign3 » Wed Dec 18, 2013 4:22 am

Hey everyone I have had hermit crabs for several years now... I think since 2008 or 2009, I can't remember which year I got my first crab on impulse at a mall kiosk. She stayed in a terrible critter keeper for awhile while I did research and cobbled together a ten gallon for her. She has survived and thrived all these years, even when I have admittedly been really neglectful of my crabs because life got hectic. I upgraded to a 20 gallon, and I have plans to give them a 56 gallon within the next year after I upgrade my fish. That will be plenty of room for my four medium-largeish PPs and the little guy, plus the new additions who will be arriving Friday.So, for Christmas this year, despite my boyfriend saying he wasn't going to get me anything living (I wanted spiny mice, but he's right, we have too many other critters), he let me place an order with LiveHermitCrabs.com. I have three small strawberries, two small Es, and two medium violas coming. I don't plan on squishing them all into the 20 gallon, especially with notorious diggers like Es and straws, so after ISO I will shuffle them around, since I want the straws for sure in the big 20 gallon display on top. Again, they will all get to share a 56 eventually, but I have to save my pennies to upgrade the fish first, and that's going to cost me upwards of $1000 to get the set up I want for them.Enough of that! I will try and get pocs of the crabitat soon. It is in desperate need of a deep clean and substrate change though; the eco earth has broken down and sunk a few inches since I last changed it.So yeah, nice to meet you all!

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Long time crabber, new crabs on the way, trying to do better

Post by Crabber85 » Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:05 am

@lessthansign3, on behalf of the staff let me be the first to welcome you to the forums and the family here at LHC.com. We've had members to order from Livehermitcrabs.com in the past and they were not so satisfied with the way the orders were handled and the shape the crabs were in when they finally arrived.I believe one member had a shipment of Straws arrive weeks late and the poor crabs were infested with mites so don't be surprised when you get the crabs in if they are not in the best shape or even alive though from my understanding the website is supposed to offer free replacements on any hermitcrabs who are DOA or dead on arrival but as with another member you may find it harder to get the site to acknowledge the replacement guarantee than you'd think.Well if you have any questions please feel free to ask that is what we are here for.Again welcome to the forums.
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Long time crabber, new crabs on the way, trying to do better

Post by lessthansign3 » Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:25 pm

Hi! I read a lot about LiveHermitCrabs before I ordered, so I know what to expect. I have been told my order will ship tomorrow to arrive Friday, so we shall see. From my understanding, she gets her crabs directly from distribitors in their native countries, and I think she does something to treat them for mites while in her care but I'm not sure and it isn't always effective. These are wild caught critters.Anyway, I had emailed her before I placed my order to ask of she would even ship here to Minnesota because it's so cold right now. She replied right away on a Sunday night saying she would, that if I ordered soon she could have them here before Christmas. She's having them held at the post office for pick up, which I appreciate. So long as they are packaged properly, winter shipping shouldn't be an issue - I've done it before with fish.She doesn't guarantee crabs shipped in winter, but that was a risk I was willing to take because I am impatient. I wanted my crabs for Christmas So, we shall see on Friday! In the meantime, I made an excellent discovery in my basement - I own a 29 gallon tank! I thought I'd sold it, but it was still there. I am going to put all of the crabs together in the 29 after ISO rather than having two tanks going. It will still be crowded, but hopefully it won't be too long and I will be able to get them that 56.Now to start planning how to decorate this new tank So exciting!

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Long time crabber, new crabs on the way, trying to do better

Post by Tongue Flicker » Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:26 pm

Hi welcome aboard!
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