Molting or Dead?

Where to post and/or get advice about your molting hermit crab(s). Includes pre-molting, molting, and post-molting issues.
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Molting or Dead?

Post by Marshmelo76 » Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:15 pm

It's just a jar of kernels. I checked. No added ingredients :-)
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Molting or Dead?

Post by finalfantasyxii » Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:43 pm

Perfect! I didn't think about the kind in the jar... I will have to get some of that. It's the only thing that no matter how much I put in the tank it's always gone in the morning! It's amazing how much they love popcorn. Whoda thunk?I only give it to them occasionally because I'm afraid if I gave it to them all the time that's all they'd eat and they wouldn't get all the nutrients they need!
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Molting or Dead?

Post by Miko » Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:36 am

how are yall making that popcorn??i been thinking about it but all i have is bag butter popcorn...and i know not to give them that....
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Molting or Dead?

Post by Crabber85 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:18 am

quote:Originally posted by jgfceit:quote:Originally posted by Crabber85:@jg, iodine is a necessary element for all life on earth including hermitcrabs table salt is harmful because of the anti-caching ingredients often used which are toxic to crustaceans. Oh...Thanks for letting me know...I'm guessing that Hermit Crabs For Dummies was not the best reference guide... Actually I believe our prior owner helped write the hermitcrabs for dummies book so it's still a good read.Table salt has man made iodine which is comprised of several variants of iodide such as potassium iodide which has extra preservatives added to them to stabilize them for a longer shelf life which makes the Iodide/Iodine in table salts a gamble at best but not because the Iodides are harmful in and of themselves but due to the extra preservatives attached to the Iodides.Iodides happen freely in nature and can be found in large quantities in several different species of sea weeds and kelp which is why you'll find these weeds and kelp for sell on sites like the Hermitcrab Patch because hermitcrabs benefit greatly from the Iodide they contain.
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Molting or Dead?

Post by Marshmelo76 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:13 am

Miko - I have a jar of Orville popcorn kernels (you can also buy bags of kernels, just make sure there's nothing else in the ingredients). I just put a few in a brown paper bag, fold it over and start micro until I hear them pop. Mine took longer than the popcorn button cycle for just 5 to pop, but they did pop :-)
55 gallon
9 crabs
PPs - Krabbie Patty, Sheldon, Hulk, Captain Jack Sparrow, Lilo, Hermie, Barbossa
Es - Krusty, Stitch
