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2 Down 1 To Go

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:53 pm
by ILoveHermies
So 2 of my crabs are now molting and I honestly wish they would hurry up. My favorite little bugger (I'm a country girl, it's an endearing term), Indie, went down today; it's so hard to let him do his thing, he absolutely loves to play with me . Kingler, has been down for 4 days now, hopefully he'll be friendlier when he comes back up, he terrified my other two crabbies. Only Shelldon, the shyest of them all, is still up even though he hides all day. I really hope they hurry and do their thing before I leave to go on vacation

2 Down 1 To Go

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:06 pm
by JediMasterThrash
They never time their molts right!I always get a couple big guys go down for a molt right before I planned to do the big yearly deep clean.

2 Down 1 To Go

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:17 pm
by ILoveHermies
I'm going to Alaska for a week so my mom has to watch them while I'm gone. Honestly, I'm terrified, this is the first time since I've had hermit crabs (10 years) that I actually knew they molted. Hopefully nothing bad happens while I'm gone, I couldn't imagine losing one of my babies