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Streaking, dead or surface molt?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:48 pm
by Kryorke
I woke up tjis morning to one of my PP's, Chi Chi, partially under but completely out of his shell...... Seems pretty pale and not moving. I switched everyone to a larger tank last night, but did seed it with d substrAte.... I've never had a streaker OR surface molter and am unsure (and scared!!!!). Chi Chi has one molt under his belt, he was a tiny little thing in a too small shell when I got him several months ago. He immediately switched shells and went underground. I don't want to lose him!!!I was just reallychecking him out, and his eyes are now a very pale tan, as opposed to bright black. Is that just his exo I'm looking at? There does seem to be some slimy looking brown stuff on tje lip of his shell...or it could just be his shell is shiny right there, its at a bad angle. Should I move it to see?

Streaking, dead or surface molt?

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:22 am
by Geranium
Photo might help. I would avoid moving him but you need to protect him from the others. If possible, I would move the others to another tank until you have assessed this situation.

Streaking, dead or surface molt?

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:00 am
by Kryorke
Thanks so much for replying! After a nose to the glass, flashlight inspection, I saw a little pale claw tucked into the very back of the shell i cut a 2 liter and put it around him with salt & fresh water & food. SOOO relieved! Thank goodness for this sight!! When I was telling my hubby about it, his eyes glazed over

Streaking, dead or surface molt?

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:06 am
by Geranium
Oh, good. Pop bottle is a great idea for this case. I would also attempt to make his part of the tank shaded with a towel or such over that part of the tank. Be careful if you have lamps for heat or even just for lighting. And be extra vigilant about keeping the tank heat and humidity at ideals, even slightly higher.

Streaking, dead or surface molt?

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:16 am
by Kryorke
Will do! Thanks!