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Any chance he's still alive?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:03 pm
by Melissa21
I am new to hermit crabs. Got my first one last week, then realized he should have (I've been watching videos on how to care for them and reading a lot on them) a friend so I bought another one last night at a different place. Had him about 24 hours he was really active last night and even today, climbing, playing, eating, drinking, went in the salt water bowl a few times. I have been gone for like 10 hours and get home to him laying upside down next to his shell. He looks pretty white-greyish.I have the coconut substrate stuff about 3 inches high and it's moist - the one alive always digs below it so you can't see him when he sleeps. This one never did that. I don't have any type of heater or humidity thing in it or thermometers. I realize it's my own stupidity for not knowing these were needed, Anyone know of a good place to get them? Preferably cheaper.. I did ask at the pet store what I all needed and she never mentioned this. She said they would be fine with just sand (which I do have at the bottom but likely not making any difference with all the coconut stuff in there. I did take a picture but it's not letting me upload it saying it's too big and I don't know how to fix that.. Any chance he's alive and molting or something?

Any chance he's still alive?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:08 pm
by Melissa21
Here is the picture.

Any chance he's still alive?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:16 pm
by Geranium
Check inside the shell to see if there is a smaller newly surface molted crab in there. If there is the whitish body is the exoskeleton and he should eat that so leave it. Insure your humidity and temperature are ideal, cover the tank so it is dark for him. Keep an eye out for the other because he could become lunch otherwise. If he's the whole body including tail like area, and smells like dead fish, he has passed. You absolutely need to keep track of humidity and temperature so get a gauge ASAP. I found one at WalMart once, in the home section with the light bulbs and shower heads. I usually buy mine either at the petstore or online.I would also suggest reading everything at the top of the Zoea section of this board. The petstores and too many youtube videos are filled with horrible advice, incomplete at best, much of it downright dangerous.Good luck! (Fingers crossed, hoping for a surface molt - not great but better than dead)Peg

Any chance he's still alive?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:17 pm
by Geranium
Nope. That photo does not look good. Poor thing... Peg

Any chance he's still alive?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:38 pm
by Melissa21
I'm sure it's hard to know for sure but any chance he would have died because it wasn't warm enough even so quick when I've had the other like 6 days and he seems fine? I found a heater and temp/humidity thing Zoo Med brand to order online but that will take a few days to get here. Is the other one in immediate danger without this ? If so I can go out to the store tomorrow after work.

Any chance he's still alive?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:38 pm
by dylan644
The other ones, if it is too cold, will slow activity and become really lethargic. As long as it is 75 there is no danger of them being killed from the cold.From what I have observed from the picture, one of two things is happening least likely: your crab is suffering from post purchase stress. He has dropped his little claw abandoned his shell because it is too much of a burden to carry around. I recommend that you isolate him from the rest of the crabs and put a hut or something over him and his shell to keep it dark.This is least likely from my proceeding theory. Such dramatic changes can happen in crabs in this short period of time, but underlying symptoms will indicate PPS.Most likely: This crab is victim to a shell fight. You say he was acting, from what I have gathered, a newly purchased crab. They are usually active and about exploring the tank. I see that he is laying next to his old shell with his little pincher at his side. My guess is, the another crab tried to fight for his shell and made him abandon it. The oppressor tried the victims shell and discarded it because it wasn't a proper fit leaving both behind. In this case you should take the shell wash it off and out. Isolate the victim and place victim and shell side by side. Cover them with a hut and allow them to be until the crab reshells. Then keep the crab isolated giving it honey. Honey will help stop any infection or bacteria. Also offer foods that are higher in protein. After a few days, if the crab is acting normal reintroduce him to the main tank.To prevent shell fights, make sure that you have plenty of shells for each crab. 4-8 is a good number. They like their options. Providing a section of shells that are a tiny bit smaller than the crab, or a little bit bigger or of the same size provides the crab with many adequate choices of shells and should stop shell fights. If it doesn't then you will have to isolate the aggressor.I hope that the crab has reshelled by now. I can see from the picture that he doesn't look good at all. You'll know when they have passed. When the body starts to break down, you'll be able to smell it.

Any chance he's still alive?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:49 pm
by Melissa21
THANK YOU dylan for your reply. After the other replies and his look I thought he was definitely dead so I put him in a zip lock baggie with some of the dirt for the aquarium and his shell to return him tomorrow. After your reply I went and looked at him and his color looks not so white now as it did before. And he's a bit more curled up. I don't have another tank besides tiny round fish bowls so I put him in an ice cream bucket (I know it's not what he needs but it's 2am and it's the best I could come up with now with young children sleeping). I put the hut over him with his shell next to him. At this time I only have 1 extra water dish I am going to assume I put fresh water in it rather than the salt water till I can get to the store tomorrow? And I will just lay the food on the substrate till tomorrow.

Any chance he's still alive?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:41 am
by dylan644
That's fine.

Any chance he's still alive?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:25 am
by Melissa21
no movement so I brought him back a little while ago and got a new one. Put the new one in the main tank and watched him. He went into salt water, drank some fresh water and then to the shells. The first one he flipped over and then went right in it. Within 5 minutes of him being in the tank.