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Missing leg joint

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:45 pm
by Guest
I posted a few days ago that Dakota had her first molt with me, and tonight she was up and about so I picked her up to see her and noticed that the last joint on her left front leg was missing. She had a black tip on the top of the short leg. She appears to be eating a roaming around normally but should I be concerned that her leg is short? I have never had a molt with my crabs when they didn't come up perfect. Anything I should know or do? Thanks!!!

Missing leg joint

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:16 pm
by Nicole
From my experience the left outside walking leg seems to get the worst of the molt deficiencies; it may the limb that's pushed out last as I've had more crabs drop that limb or have problems with it than any other limb during a molt. Sometimes pre-molt nutritional deficiencies can also weaken the exo and cause limbs to break off at the joint, though it sounds as if this occurred during and not after the molt since there is a black tip on it. I don't think there's anything to worry about and she should replace the small leg with a larger one come next molt.