Are These Springtales? (Pics)

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Are These Springtales? (Pics)

Post by Adastra1018 » Sun May 01, 2016 4:47 pm

I actually found these in my long tailed lizard tank, and after some research I'm guessing they're springtails but I wanted someone who has them to confirm. If they are I'll move some them to the crabitat! I saw a cluster of them yesterday but though it was just calcuim powder. Then this morning I saw a whole bunch more crawling on the water surface. I have Jobe's organic potting mix in the tank and I boiled my driftwood but there is some mold growing on it now. I also have live tropical plants. The tank has been set up for several months now but like I said, I only noticed them yesterday.

I'm sorry for the horrible picture quality, if you need better pictures let me know and I'll see if I can do better. Also, if anyone can ID those little worms under the surface that'd be great.




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Re: Are These Springtales? (Pics)

Post by IMS08 » Sun May 01, 2016 8:58 pm

The little worms are Nematodes. They are completely harmless. I have had the little white bugs, (I don't know what they are called) they are harmless, but my 10 gallon was FULL of them and I lost a crab. The best thing to do is to spray them with a spray bottle. Hope this helps!

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Re: Are These Springtales? (Pics)

Post by wodesorel » Mon May 02, 2016 1:28 am

Yes, the white bugs are springtails.

Since it's a lizard tank, it's more likely that the worms are pinworms, which are a very common parasite that most reptiles have. (All my rescues had them.) It would be a good idea to contact a vet to have a fecal done, to see if he needs dewormed.
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Re: Are These Springtales? (Pics)

Post by Adastra1018 » Mon May 02, 2016 12:11 pm

Oh great. I looked up pinworms and those are it! One of my lizards is thin and doesn't eat much but I have seen her eat and she hasn't lost weight and she's active so I've just been monitoring her but it all makes sense. Luckily it looks like I can treat her over the counter and I'm confident in my ability and experience. Time to commence sterilization... But yay springtails! I've been wanting a cleanup crew. Thanks so much for the help! My critters and I appreciate it! :)

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