He also said I would "cook my crabs" if I put the lamp on the tank. I was confused, and said that was what the dimmer on the lamp was for. I'm acclimating the tank before any crabs go in.
Apparently, Petco "frowns on" putting heat on a hermit crab tank. They are supposed to be kept at room temperature, they will cook themselves with a heater. I said that I had been using a lamp on my smaller tank for a year now with no problem. I know its not the preferred method, but it works for me and my crabbies.
I told him that I am a member of the HCA, and that he should check the site out if he's interested in hermit crabs. He said that only an idiot believes what they read on the internet.
I couldn't handle it anymore, said thanks for answering my questions about the lamps, and went to another aisle. The hermit crabs at his store live in the same deplorable conditions you find at any Petco. Apparently their care sheets are the end all be all. The guy also mentioned that the store won't guarantee an animal that dies from improper care. Never bought a crab there, never plan on it.
As I was leaving, the man said to his coworker that he couldn't stand people who don't care about their animals. At least we agree on something.
I guess I'm overly sensitive, but I can't stand it when people say that I'm going to kill my animals. I know he's wrong. My hermits seem to be doing fine, they're molting regularly and growing quickly. I even managed to bring one back from a pretty bad illness. It still bothers me to have someone basically say I'm abusing my crabs by heating the tank.
Sorry. Needed to rant. :crybaby: