My order from the Canadian Crab Connection finally came! Woooo! More Crabby Swag!
Everything was in order, looked great, the shells were slightly more exact in measurement than Naples, and they let me add items to the order after my initial order was placed, without any xtra charge. I think they are a good company... but they do take a loooong time to ship a larger order, so, fellow Canadians - order from them (they're located in Hamilton, I think?) ahead of when you will need things. Do not order an emergency 1&1/8" green turbo, and hope to have it that week. But do order from them. I think they are lovely to deal with, and quite friendly in their email tone. Things are well packaged.
Also, the insect medley (med/$7.50 CAD) seems a good value, given prices up here and the volume they offer.
Also, you get a decent amount of bee pollen ($3.00CAD), without having to,
a) walk into a place that sells dyed quartz crystals, wheat grass juice (ew), & 3" diameter bees wax candles for $39.99(not exaggerating), or
b) buy a human-consumption volume of bee pollen... which I am never, ever, ever going to do.
$25 on hymenopteran-masticated flower sperm = No. Absolutely not. Not my style. At all.
It's bad enough I'm paying money for wood... but that's what I get for never learning to drive, not buying a car, and living near places where you're not allowed to cart out fallen trees for your pet projects at home. It's also the price for not being a Libertarian who doesn't care about those rules... a Libertarian who punts endangered turtles and eats prairie owls for fun.
Anyhow... YAY!