Molting or stressed or......????

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.
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Molting or stressed or......????

Post by secn2nunn » Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:33 pm

Hi, just bought my first hermit crab, was for the kids, but now apparently its mine. (they lost all interest) So I purchased him while on vacation, had him in the little round cage that they come in when you fist buy them from the store. He was in this for about 3 days before I put in a new shell, a little larger, which he switched into within a couple hours. When we got home and I able to put him in a 10 gallon tank with sand and coconut fiber substrate. (5:1 mix) I have my humidity level at about 75-80%, temp at about 80F. I have a food dish and fresh water dish that I add conditioner to. I have his old shell and 1 other shell in the tank. The first few hours in the new tank he was walking all over and climbing the driftwood I put in. Woke up the next day, he was burried in the sand and hasn't come out, at least during waking hours, since then. Its been 2 weeks. I caught him out last night at like 3am, but when he saw the lights go on, he went in his shell. He has come out other times because I noticed the food looked moved around and the water dish had sand all in it, but only at night. When I wake in the morning, he'll always burried all the way in the sand, barley the shell showing.
Is this behavior because he is stressed? Is he molting? Should I leave him alone? Should I get another crab for company? Also, should I put in a salt water dish?? What is the purpose of the salt water? Thanks in advance for any advice.


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Re: Molting or stressed or......????

Post by JulesRolyCrab » Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:11 pm

Hi, welcome!! :D Awesome on trying to get informed about the crabs, you are doing great!
This behavior is common in new crabs, they dig to destress. Definitely leave him alone, to help limit the stress. One question: How much substrate do you have? The minimum recommended is 6 inches (sorry if you already know this!). Btw, great job on the 5:1 Sand EE. Also, yes, definitely get another crabby!! They thrive with others, despite their unfitting name. Just know that two is the max for a 10 gallon, and that when they get big an upgrade is suggested. Salt water is definitely a must, the salt water is both drunk and soaked in by crabs, and is very beneficial. Both water dishes should be deep enough for the crab to full submerge, with something in it to let them climb out. Glad you're researching this! I'll attach some links that really help with specific topics!

Basic Care Sheet:

All about water:

Safe crab food:

Good luck, feel free to ask any questions! :)

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Re: Molting or stressed or......????

Post by aussieJJDude » Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:16 pm

Going along with the above, hermit crabs are nocturnal! They will hide/sleep/dig down during the day and come out at night. its normal for them. :) Sounds like your tank is coming along nicely as well, and yes I would reccomend a friend if possible. They really do better when they have a buddy.
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Re: Molting or stressed or......????

Post by secn2nunn » Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:36 pm

Thanks for the responses, all good info. Ok, so if he is destressing or molting, is it a good time to introduce a new crab? Are there precautions I should take with the new crab?
I heard you should wash him first.
I don't have 6" of substrate yet, will have that asap. I have about 3.5 inches. Should I add more now or wait until he is not so stressed?
Also, how long will he be destressing?

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Re: Molting or stressed or......????

Post by aussieJJDude » Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:23 pm

Yes, dip the newbie in the FW dish so he smells the same; with means there would be less likely for aggression to happen. I personally would go about and make the substrate deeper; if you can see his shell you can always take him out fill it up properly and then add him in. He will appreciate the deeper substrate.
Destressing can take a few days to a month... it depends on the crabs, and possibly the "bad experiences" they've had from the wild to your tank.
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Re: Molting or stressed or......????

Post by KayedeeLove<3 » Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:59 am

Couple of quick cheap tips:
Shells- you need 3-5 per crab. Joanns fabric sells a 3$ bag of green turbos in various sizes.
Sand- 3$ a bag at home depot (1 should do it with what you have)

Idk what kinds of salt or dechlorinator you use but the ones labled 'hermit crab' are not beneficial.
Most of us use instant ocean salt mix (has to be reef grade not the kind you put in fw tank) and seachem prime dechloriator (this unlike the 'hermit crab' stuff, extracts heavy metals and toxins in the water). Instant ocean + seachem prime should last a long time.
Also, if you buy a heat pad id pass up on the ones instore and get an ultra therm.
Sorry when i started i had to rebuy EVERYTHING, which was costly!
Welcome and Good Luck!

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Re: Molting or stressed or......????

Post by secn2nunn » Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:24 pm

OK, I'll try Joanne's fro shells. I use the Reptisafe water condtioner, thats all they had at Petsmart when I went. It says it can be used for hemit crabs and removes chlorine and ammonia. I also purchased the premixed salt water, comes in a plastic bottle and there's a hermit crab on the front of it. Says it's for crabs.
He's still buried under the sand. Not sure if he's coming out at night. He's def. hasn't eaten from the bowl in 2 days. I do hear him scratching at times, so I don't think he's dead. I guess I'll just keep waiting, and probably get more substrate today.

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Re: Molting or stressed or......????

Post by secn2nunn » Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:50 pm

OK, going on 2 weeks without coming out of his hole at all. Should I assume he's molting? I'm holding off on getting another crab until I know whats going on with this one.

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Re: Molting or stressed or......????

Post by soilentgringa » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:19 am

secn2nunn wrote:OK, going on 2 weeks without coming out of his hole at all. Should I assume he's molting? I'm holding off on getting another crab until I know whats going on with this one.
Crabs go under for a few weeks to several months to molt.

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Re: Molting or stressed or......????

Post by secn2nunn » Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:52 pm

OK, it's been about a month now and he finally came out last night and ate something! The food was moved, sand in the water and the moss was all over the place. Now he's back under. Has not come out during the day yet. Did he molt? How do I know if he molted or was just stressed. If he did molt, I am going to get him a buddy tonight or tomorrow.

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Re: Molting or stressed or......????

Post by Rawrgeous » Thu Oct 06, 2016 2:10 am

He might have come up for a quick drink, or bite to eat, and went back down. The only way to know if he molted is when you see him... if he molted he'll have hairier legs and little sharp black toe nails! :) :crabbigsmile:

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