Tat maintence=mad crabs!

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Tat maintence=mad crabs!

Post by mool » Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:39 pm

All six of my crabs in the 55 gallon are up and freshly molted. They synchronized their molts.

I noticed that my substrate has been getting increasingly dry, but I had one down. I saw it up yesterday so I transferred the crew to an empty 20 with a bit of moss in the bottom and wetted down my tank.

I removed all the décor and stirred up the sub really well before and after adding the water. It took 2.5 gallons to get the sub back to sandcastle consistence. No foul odors near the bottom so that tells me I can mist a wee bit more.

Here are a couple of pics I took of the mad crabs, most are pretty blurry and off center. Sorry!

Sulking en masse:

Trying to escape the horror:Image

Don't touch me/I hate you:

I must bathe the horror away:

I love my crappy old shell/leave me alone:

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Re: Tat maintence=mad crabs!

Post by MooneyFamily » Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:42 pm

Love the captions! They certainly seem crabby!

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Re: Tat maintence=mad crabs!

Post by daws409 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 8:01 pm

Love the pics! Out of 13 hermies I only have good pics of two.

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Re: Tat maintence=mad crabs!

Post by kieagcarm » Tue Dec 13, 2016 8:59 pm

In the third picture it looks like the crab is hairy inside the shell towards the back, is that the stuff mentioned that females have to hold onto eggs?

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Re: Tat maintence=mad crabs!

Post by Kermie16 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:41 pm


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Re: Tat maintence=mad crabs!

Post by GotButterflies » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:55 pm

Great pictures! Congrats on the successful molts!

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Re: Tat maintence=mad crabs!

Post by Rawrgeous » Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:52 am

kieagcarm wrote:In the third picture it looks like the crab is hairy inside the shell towards the back, is that the stuff mentioned that females have to hold onto eggs?
No, that's just hair from a fresh molt. You are thinking of pleopods, which are located on female crabs' abdomens. It is rare to see them unless a crab streaks. Great pics of the group Mool! The last lil guy who's holding onto the painted shell has gorgeous coloring! The captions are hilarious too- it's exactly what I think my crabbies are saying during maintenance! XD

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Re: Tat maintence=mad crabs!

Post by mool » Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:38 am

Rawrgeous wrote:
kieagcarm wrote:In the third picture it looks like the crab is hairy inside the shell towards the back, is that the stuff mentioned that females have to hold onto eggs?
No, that's just hair from a fresh molt. You are thinking of pleopods, which are located on female crabs' abdomens. It is rare to see them unless a crab streaks. Great pics of the group Mool! The last lil guy who's holding onto the painted shell has gorgeous coloring! The captions are hilarious too- it's exactly what I think my crabbies are saying during maintenance! XD
I didn't think that hair had anything to do with gender, but wasn't 100% sure. Thanks for chiming in.

And thanks to all of you for the comments and compliments!

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Re: Tat maintence=mad crabs!

Post by mool » Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:43 am

The one in the pool is the one who came up two molts ago without a BP. He molted again immediately and now has one, but it's funky. When he first came up, it was non-functional and folded under the bottom of his shell. It's now functional, but clunky. He's also the one who thought he would jack the bigger ones spare shell.

He drug around that way to big shell for a few days before finding a more suitably sized one.

The one in the painted shell was the last up from the fall molts.
