This area is dedicated to the pioneers who have captive bred crabs, and for those who wish to learn more or attempt it themselves. Also for inquiring about the gender of your crabs.
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by Renroc » Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:13 am
Disaster averted..... Tonight about 11pm Natalie asked me what the temp was in the transition pools. I had to untape it all and that took a while but lucky I did because the sub was soaking wet. The pool with the sand ramp had been wicking into the sub until it was almost empty. (about 150ml) Fortunately I had spare sub already mixed so put a layer of that on top and it is soaking up the water from below. Phew.... that was close. Shell 1 still in the pool but moving around. Shell 2 looks to be empty
Many streakers trying to escape by climbing up the sticks in the jars. SO I have removed the sticks. Nat suggested it hoping to encourage them to concentrate on the shells. If you get the chance to do this think twice and then think again... they are turning me grey. NO seriously give it a go. The more of us that try the better we will all become as a team.
The jars are still going but I suspect Jar 1 is not going to have much more success as it seems very inactive in there. A good number still swimming around and streaking up the sticks in jar 2 though so may have more in the next few days for the transition tank.
Crazy crab lady with 1 male raised in captivity who is now 7 yrs old (Dec 23) and a 2 females I've added from rehoming or adoptions to add to my breeding colony.
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by GotButterflies » Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:25 am
Hang in there! We are all rooting for you! We know this is difficult ~ you are doing a great job!
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Truly blessed to have incredible creatures, wonderful friends and my amazing family in my life!! I'm very thankful & grateful for all of them!
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by Kermie16 » Sun Dec 18, 2016 10:06 am
So neat!! We are all rooting for u and ur little ones:)
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Just Jay
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by Just Jay » Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:33 pm
this is so so amazing! you are doing an amazing job and obviously you hermits think so to breed again and two crabs at the same time! you are learning and adapting so quickly to everything that pops up im sure it will pay off! i guess no baby lets their new parent sleep hehehe.

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by Renroc » Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:23 pm
Monday 19th December Day 16 0930
Shell 1 was sitting in the same spot in the pool as where I left it last night. Shell 2 also in the other pool. Sub is evenly damp but the fresh pool is drying up. I think that might be because it is so shallow and close to the heat mat. Might need to move it long term.
Checked up on jars did a normal water change but when the water was low I used magnifying glass and long tweezers to pick out shells that looked occupied. Got 4 but after 15mins in green spoon rest pool they hadn’t moved so I put them back in. Still some mega swimming around so I’m not giving up yet.
This attempt is seeming to be less successful than my first but I have no idea why. Not to worry it is all learning and if it works good. If not better prepared for next time.
Crazy crab lady with 1 male raised in captivity who is now 7 yrs old (Dec 23) and a 2 females I've added from rehoming or adoptions to add to my breeding colony.
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by Renroc » Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:26 am
Crazy crab lady with 1 male raised in captivity who is now 7 yrs old (Dec 23) and a 2 females I've added from rehoming or adoptions to add to my breeding colony.
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by daws409 » Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:38 am
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Crabbing since Dec. 2010!
35 Crabbies - 28 PP's, 2 E's, 2 Straw's, 1 Viola, & 2 Indo's
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by Renroc » Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:53 am
Last edited by
Renroc on Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Crazy crab lady with 1 male raised in captivity who is now 7 yrs old (Dec 23) and a 2 females I've added from rehoming or adoptions to add to my breeding colony.
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by Kermie16 » Mon Dec 19, 2016 6:13 am
Amazing job, Renroc!!! Truly wonderful news!!!! They look like little kids dressed in mom and dad's clothes

Will be praying for their final molts!!!
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by kieagcarm » Mon Dec 19, 2016 6:56 am
Oh wow oh wow oh wow, they are so small and cute! Thank you so much for sharing this process
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by Renroc » Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:50 am
I now have one brave soul who has left the pool and is on the brink of becoming a land hermit crab. It's one of the last ones I put in tonight
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Crazy crab lady with 1 male raised in captivity who is now 7 yrs old (Dec 23) and a 2 females I've added from rehoming or adoptions to add to my breeding colony.
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by Da_Stos208 » Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:39 am
Renroc wrote:
I now have one brave soul who has left the pool and is on the brink of becoming a land hermit crab. It's one of the last ones I put in tonight
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I'm rooting for him! so cool of you to do this, if we can discover all the "secrets" of their breeding habits, maybe one day it will be easier to captive breed them than to catch them from the wild, and the wild crab populations can be safe from the pet trade. Noble work you're doing, keep it up and don't give up!
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by shanedaman112 » Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:05 pm
This is just awesome! Keep it up :)
2 small PPs: Leonardo, Biscuit
3 medium to large PPs: Kermit Rocketson, Lulu, Strawberry (named because he is red, not actually a straw)
1 Neon Tetra: Stevie. 1 Crawfish: Larry
R.I.P. Larry, Crabby, and Hermie (all PPs) O'mally (Neon Tetra) John Cena(Crawfish)
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by Renroc » Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:51 pm
Quick update on this morning.
Shell that made a break for it last night was back in the pool again at 8am this morning BUT has now moved out again and is further out this time.
In the other trans pool (with sand ramp) there are 7 on the ramp. 3 very close to the edge and one of them is moving further out.
I have lost track but I think there are about 25 in the transition pools now.
Things are changing so rapidly I won't be updating each time but will do another update later.
In the jars there is one more in a shell but it went in and out a few times while I was watching so I'm letting it be for a while. Also 5 more still swimming round un shelled.
Crazy crab lady with 1 male raised in captivity who is now 7 yrs old (Dec 23) and a 2 females I've added from rehoming or adoptions to add to my breeding colony.
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by Renroc » Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:53 pm

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Crazy crab lady with 1 male raised in captivity who is now 7 yrs old (Dec 23) and a 2 females I've added from rehoming or adoptions to add to my breeding colony.