Typical noise level of crabs?

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Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by Ravenstag » Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:45 pm

Hey, everyone (not sure if this is the right forum for this question but it seemed like the closest match?). I'd been planning on setting up my crabitat in my bedroom, mostly because that level of the house runs a lot warmer than the lower floor, but I've seen one or two sources advising against this saying that the sounds of crabs doing their nocturnal activity thing can be too loud and disruptive if you're trying to sleep. I wanted to see what other peoples' experience with this is -- I know the crabbies are more active at nighttime, but do they usually make a lot of noise?

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Re: Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by GotButterflies » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:28 pm

I have my crabs in their own room. I have a 100 gallon, and a 75 gallon. My 13 yr old son complains that they are loud from the other room. They are nocturnal. Sometimes they can clink their shells on the glass, fall, etc. I have mainly large & jumbo crabs. Hope that helps. They definitely need the warmth, which can be acquired by an ultratherm heater & insulation

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Re: Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by kieagcarm » Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:10 am

My babies are in my room, and they have only kept me up a few times, only woken me from sleep maybe twice, but they usually are silent and don't bother me at all

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Re: Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by Kermie16 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:08 pm

Maybe depends on how many u have and how big they are? I have noticed that my bigger medium guys tend to be a bit rougher on the decor and occasionally knock stuff around. I've also had one trying to hide and slowly sliding her shell-y butt down the corner of the glass tank . But except for the occasionally shell knock on the glass, my guys are quiet. I have 5 in a 55 g tank:)

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Re: Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by LadyJinglyJones » Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:12 pm

When my crabs were still in my partner's parents house, they did take to making a loud, persistent chirp, like a cricket. It made everyone in the house crazy.

I don't think they've done it since I took over their care, but I have actual crickets in my room as well, and so I wouldn't notice if they did.
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Re: Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by mool » Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:17 pm

Mine are loud! They are in the living room and I'm in the master bedroom. There are three spare bedrooms and a bathroom between me and the crabs and I can hear them clanking around all night long.

If you are a sound sleeper then go for it. If not; reconsider.

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Re: Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by amwilliams » Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:59 pm

My husband and I have ours in the bedroom. I also sleep with a fan on so it drowns out some of the clinking but I've never had a problem with noise at all.

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Re: Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by aussieJJDude » Thu Dec 22, 2016 5:38 am

Kermie16 wrote:Maybe depends on how many u have and how big they are? I have noticed that my bigger medium guys tend to be a bit rougher on the decor and occasionally knock stuff around.
I second this, my bigger ones tend to be a lot more "accident prone" as they try to squish themselves through areas too small or just walk close to the back/sides of my tank. But no, besides a slight "clink" of shell on glass... and maybe the occasional chirp that I mistook for crickets outside, they pretty silent.
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Re: Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by mlakers » Thu Dec 22, 2016 5:48 pm

Mine clank around at night. They aren't in my bedroom, but they can be heard in other rooms. There are ways to mitigate the noise, though. If you hang things like cocofiber mats on the walls or artificial plant tiles or bamboo sushi mats, they are much quieter when they hit the walls than when they hit the glass. Plus, the various mats make climbing the walls much more fun and easy for them. I have mats on three sides and leave the front glass open. They rarely clunk against the front glass like they do the back and sides.

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Re: Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by Kellie » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:07 pm

Mine are in my bedroom and they do clank at night, one time Rio even yelled. But to me the sounds are actually more calming, I like to hear life and I like to hear them doing their thing. Actually helps me sleep and has yet to keep me up.

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Re: Typical noise level of crabs?

Post by Crabnado » Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:27 pm

Usually my 4 crabs are fairly quiet. During the day they're silent. At night I might occasionally hear a shell bump the glass but not very often. They did spook me when they figured out how to walk along the mesh lid we had on their old tank. Took me a while to figure out what that weird metallic clicking noise was. Once in a while I'll hear a chirp or a squeak.

There was one little outburst one night a couple of years ago when we had a few new shells in the tank. I didn't see anything (they were somewhere in their tunnels) but the noises made me think it might have been a shell fight. There were some harsh squeaky chirps and trills for a few minutes then they got quiet again. Nobody was injured and it hasn't happened since.

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