Got my crabs today!
Got my crabs today!
I just brought my crabs home fron Petco about two hours ago! Three small PPs - Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, and Shub-Niggurath. Shub is still very nervous and dives inside her shell when she sees or hears me coming. Yog is a bit hesitant but did tentatively come out and explore my hand after holding him for a minute or two. Nyarlathotep is a bold, outgoing little guy who was happily crawling all over my hands and arms within moments of getting picked up and has been scaling the inside of the tank. They're all in rest mode inside their shells right now so I'll try to get some pics later when they come back out. It's still very early, but I've heard so many horror stories about crabs being in bad shape from pet stores that right now I'm just relieved they all seem to be active and healthy 

Re: Got my crabs today!
Congrats on the newbies!
Sent from my HTC6515LVW using Tapatalk
Sent from my HTC6515LVW using Tapatalk
Crabbing since Dec. 2010!
35 Crabbies - 28 PP's, 2 E's, 2 Straw's, 1 Viola, & 2 Indo's
35 Crabbies - 28 PP's, 2 E's, 2 Straw's, 1 Viola, & 2 Indo's
Re: Got my crabs today!
congrats on the new crabs and welcome!