Shelf organizers

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Shelf organizers

Post by Adastra1018 » Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:23 pm

I've been keeping an eye out for plastic shelf organizers to make more levels in my tank but I only ever see the metal wire racks with the enamel coating like this: ... oduct.html

I was leery of them because I worry about the crabs picking at and eating the coating and exposing the metal but I've see them in a few habitats while browsing for inspiration. Has anyone ever had problems with these? I do plan on covering everything with hemp and burlap but I saw one exposed on pinterest:

What are everyone's thoughts?

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Re: Shelf organizers

Post by kieagcarm » Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:05 pm

I bought a wire kitchen shelf from Amazon and tied coconut mat to half the top and plastic mesh canvas to the other half, then I tied fish net off the side so they could climb up it, I only left it in the tank a few weeks with no bad results, but they were all still afraid to overcome their fear of heights while it was in there. No one ever got on it. But I took it out because I didn't like the way it looked. I had no bad results though, they didn't eat it and it didn't rust or mold. It wasn't in long either however

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Re: Shelf organizers

Post by GotButterflies » Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:14 pm

I personally don't like metal in my 'tats. The only metal in mine is for their wheels, and they can only access that if the wheel falls down. Instead of a wire shelf, what about a plastic crate and then cut it? It's a little bulkier, but safer then metal imho.

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Re: Shelf organizers

Post by Adastra1018 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:26 pm

I'd like to avoid it if I can. That's a good idea about the crate. I'd have to spring for a little basket at target or somewhere and cut it. The dollar tree by me has been letting me down. I guess I could make a trip to the other one and see what they have. I just hate to spend more than 5 bucks only to cut it up. With the wire rack, at least I can take it out if need be and use it in my cupboard.

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