Not moving...not responding to my touch...

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Hermiearth » Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:55 pm

It's very strange that they are surface molting- crabs really would rather dig down if they can help it. When you first found them were they not moving?

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Latoshia » Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:58 pm

Hermiearth wrote:It's very strange that they are surface molting- crabs really would rather dig down if they can help it. When you first found them were they not moving?

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Oh i have no clue if theyre surface molting. Honestly, and sadly i thibk they are dead. Yes she was out of her shell just like that when i found her. I thought it was dtrange she jadnt moved in a while. Shes always been a very active crab and she has never dug. Shes always stayed on the surface and i could count on one hand the amt of times she retreated into her shell... but yes neither were moving so i picked them up and foind they were unresponsive and are still unresponsive.

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Hermiearth » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:00 pm

Ok, so they could be molting. I would definitely ISO them from other crabs. Don't give up hope u till they smell. The first time I experienced crab death was after rescuing a crab in awful condition- he died and I smelled it the first day.

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by KayedeeLove<3 » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:25 pm

Hope they make it! Keep us posted :(

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Latoshia » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:00 pm

So do i:( how long do i wait? I mean do they all stink after they die. This is pretty crummy...waiting

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by KayedeeLove<3 » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:29 pm

Most likely you will smell it being they aren't buried. Though I've seen some warriors pull through this! If not I'd say tomorrow or the next day. Not a set time for this :(

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Hermiearth » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:33 pm

Considering they haven't smelled and they have been like this for a few days, I dont think they are dead. But please, if there are other crabs in the tank you need to do the soda bottle trick asap.

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Rawrgeous » Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:51 am

I know I'm a bit late responding, I'm super sorry, I've had lots of trouble finding time to get on here the last few weeks as I've been working 6 days a week, and life has just been crazy. :/ Your tanks specs look pretty good, but I did touch on 2 areas that may/ may not be a concern. But since these crabs are new, I'm willing to bet they are either surface molting, or going through pps, also known as post purchase syndrome. A quick forum search will tell a bit more about it. I urge you to iso the 2 that are moving very little as others have suggested just to prevent other crabs in the tank taking advantage of their vulnerable state. Crabs go through a period of dormancy right before a molt, to use as little energy as possible, because the actual molting process is very tolling. Like the others have mentioned do not assume they are dead until they begin to rot/ smell bad.
1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it? Your sub level sounds good, just make sure it's at least 3x as deep as your largest crab.

10. Just make sure you have at least 3-4 of apropriate size for each crab.

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Latoshia » Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:58 am

Thank you so much for your reply. I'm going to isolate them as soon as this storm passes and i can get to the store for a soda for each.
My substrate is sand and coconut fiber. I have a good 6inches and my crabs are about the size of a quarter. If these two have died i dont know what to do anymore. The first i ever bought died in 2 days. He literally fell apart. It wasnt a molt, and it was awful and emotionally tolling (i know that might sound ridiculous but it was) and i have researched and bought everything that i know they need. I honestly dont know what to do. I just love little crabbies ad want to give them a good life but its like im just killing them. I just dont understand, o was doing everything and then they both just drop dead almost at the same time?! Theres no off putting smell in the tank so i dont know, it smells normal.

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Rawrgeous » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:09 am

The falling apart is definitely post purchase syndrome... and it's not your fault at all! Just keep conditions good, and try to leave them alone as much as possible. You have to remember the terrible stress these poor guys go through from capture, shipping, warehouses, etc, before they reach the petstore and then go home to us. Sometimes they are just too far gone by the time we get them to make it. I promise you are doing so good right now, especially as a new owner! Try not to beat yourself up, and just keep at it. Crabbing isn't easy, and there is a huge learning curve at first. Stay positive, and remember you are making a difference in these little guys' lives. It just can be hard to tell at first.

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Hermiearth » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:26 am

It's not your fault! Hopefully these little guys pull through- in the future you can minimize the possibility of PPS by adopting crabs off of Craigslist rather than buying them from a store.

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by KayedeeLove<3 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:52 am

If you were in fl I'd let you adopt a couple of established crabs :(
This is why we all freak out about pet stores!!!

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by GotButterflies » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:08 am

Hello! Where is your heater? Heater needs to be above the substrate. Are you positive that your gauges are correct? Positive humidity & temperature are correct? Have you calibrated the humidity gauge? Are the foods off of the safe list? Free from pesticides & fertilizers? Tetra dechlorinator is fine.

If all of those have been addressed, please remember that PPS (Post purchase syndrome) is always possible until they have molted a couple of times. Try to be patient to see if they are surface molting if the conditions are correct. Handling crabs is stressful for them, so try not to do that.

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Latoshia » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:10 am

GotButterflies wrote:Hello! Where is your heater? Heater needs to be above the substrate. Are you positive that your gauges are correct? Positive humidity & temperature are correct? Have you calibrated the humidity gauge? Are the foods off of the safe list? Free from pesticides & fertilizers? Tetra dechlorinator is fine.

If all of those have been addressed, please remember that PPS (Post purchase syndrome) is always possible until they have molted a couple of times. Try to be patient to see if they are surface molting if the conditions are correct. Handling crabs is stressful for them, so try not to do that.

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Its on the back and above the substrate. Ive valibrated twice now in 2 weeks. They are correct.
They can have pp a month after their purchase? I had assumed it would happen sooner, but i dont know much about it.

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Re: Not moving...not responding to my touch...

Post by Latoshia » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:12 am

And ive been growing my lettuce myself, and I wash everything very well ifbi was unable to find organic. Im waiting but i dont see that theyve moved in any way. Ive taken several pics at diff times so i can see if anything changed. I keep thinking i saw charlotte flinch but i think its probably in my head and wishful thinking.

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