Best adhesive or attaching mechanism

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Best adhesive or attaching mechanism

Post by rjstani » Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:38 am

So I'm slowly getting supplies to upgrade my kids hermit crab habitat. Going from a 10 gallon to a 40 gallon breeder. I'm designing a cholla wood walkway hoisted by two cholla wood posts like the shape of a staple. Then I'll have a diagonal piece attached to the elevated walkway either on the end by a post, or the middle of walkway for them to have an easier climb to the walkway as well. What should I use that's safe for the crabs, to attach the pieces together? I'm also planning on attaching two elevated moss pit containers to the walkway too (their main supports will be the tank corners) for the crabs to enter while up there too.

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Re: Best adhesive or attaching mechanism

Post by NovaBelle » Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:47 am

I used zip ties for a lot of my cholla wood stuff. It can be a pain though, since the slits in the wood are vertical and don't mesh well with the unforgiving zip ties at certain angles.

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Re: Best adhesive or attaching mechanism

Post by rjstani » Fri Mar 24, 2017 3:30 am

I was actually thinking zip ties as an option, especially if I can push the tie part inside the cholla wood. Thanks for your suggestion!

Vic Future
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Re: Best adhesive or attaching mechanism

Post by Vic Future » Fri Mar 24, 2017 3:46 am

I live by 3m hooks. I get by the bag (unbranded packaging but still 3m) from china via ebay. You can use high tensile fishing wire to string through cholla and create loops and hook that over 3m hook. Never did it myself for crabs. Used to string up wood for parakeets. The birds vould not break the wire. And boy did they work at it!
Good luck.

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Re: Best adhesive or attaching mechanism

Post by GotButterflies » Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:17 am

Vic Future wrote:I live by 3m hooks. I get by the bag (unbranded packaging but still 3m) from china via ebay. You can use high tensile fishing wire to string through cholla and create loops and hook that over 3m hook. Never did it myself for crabs. Used to string up wood for parakeets. The birds vould not break the wire. And boy did they work at it!
Good luck.

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I wouldn't recommend the fishing wire for the crabs. Crabs are extremely strong. If they were to pinch it apart, and it break loose, (in the middle of the night being that the are nocturnal), the cholla could fall on someone, or the wire could damage an eye, or an abdomen if someone were changing shells. I would play it safe than sorry. I position my cholla with zip tires, or by using other pieces of wood. I do also bury some of the cholla in the substrate. To each's own though, that's me :)
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Re: Best adhesive or attaching mechanism

Post by Vic Future » Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:19 am

Oh my!!! I never thought of that. Birds are strong but yes, Punchy (rip) was super strong. Im very new to crabbing.

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Re: Best adhesive or attaching mechanism

Post by GotButterflies » Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:24 am

;) No worries, that's what is great about this forum, we are all here to put out ideas! We are here to hep one another! :)
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Vic Future
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Re: Best adhesive or attaching mechanism

Post by Vic Future » Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:49 am

Im glad you said something. I was going to make a huge network of wood w these wires lolz.

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