I acquired crabs without my standard advanced planning myself, so kudos to you for trying to get things straight first!!! The crabs will thank you.elly_bananas wrote:Pretty well thanks. No change. Right now my biggest struggle is heating. So im tryin to work on that. But im almost ready for crabs! Lol. Im working on buying an ultratherm, but looking for the best price. Im also considering a larger tank. So i just dont know wth im gonna do really.DreaminginBlue wrote:Elly, how's the airstone working now? Sometimes they run better after a few days.
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You mentioned you were considering upgrading to a larger tank. Folks on here say buy the biggest you have space available for, and I'll second that. Craigslist, offerup, bookoo, yard and consignment sales, also Petco/Petsmart 1$/gallon sales are all ways to find large affordable tanks. Starting out I bought a 10 gal from a consignment sale for $10.00, and thought it would be plenty of space. I was so wrong. Once I got 6" of sub in it, it was half full, and finding places to put climbing branches and hides and space for the water bowls and food shells was harder than I thought. Plus I wanted to add a shell shop off the sub, a second level, a moss pit, and a hamster wheel. And they really need more things to climb... the hamster wheel just wouldn't fit. These guys walk miles a day in the wild. I think they need a hamster wheel, but that's me. . And I wanted more than two crabs. A 29 gal upgrade is in the works for me.
Also, to speak to your temperature issues, I couldn't find where you posted pics of your tank, so I don't know your current setup, but when I switched from medium Zoomed and small All Living Things UTHs (at the same time) to an Ultratherm with a Zilla thermostat set on 80F, my temp and humidity issues were both fixed. I bought the Ultratherm big enough to cover the entire back of my tank, then insulated it with Reflectix and Styrofoam (Aluminum foil will work instead of Reflectix if you want). I don't have air stones in my pools because I haven't needed them yet (It's been two months so far...) A spray of the moss pit once a week seems to be enough so far. FYI my sub is playsand/ecoearth 5:1 moistened to sandcastle consistency with marine saltwater.
The Ultratherm may be a bit pricey but I think it's worth every penny. And I'd recommend a thermostat. Just my two cents. Good luck!