Planning on buying crabs, need setup advice.

This is where you discuss the conditions of your crabitat -- temperature, humidity, substrate, decorating, etc.
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Planning on buying crabs, need setup advice.

Post by Gytrash » Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:10 pm

I hope this is the right section...

I'm planning on getting into hermies again, haven't had them as an adult and feel much more informed now, but had a few setup questions.

I'm not sure on the species yet, most likely will get a PP or E but highly interested in strawberries, but leery of their short lifespans.

Anyway, I plan on getting a 20 long aquarium and adding a topper, the type with build in front doors. Not sure on the size of the topper. I plan on taking the bottom glass out of the topper, but have not fully decided. I basically just want a tall tank so I can have climbing room, but sturdy enough soil base for digging. Anyone with similar setups have advice?

Will I need an ISO tank? I have several 10gals I don't use. I've heard of people using seperate molting tanks, is that better or worse?

Does anyone have any strawberry or blueberry specific advice?

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Re: Planning on buying crabs, need setup advice.

Post by LadyJinglyJones » Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:42 pm

Hi hi!

I haven't much advice to give regarding exotics (I'm in love with PPs ) but can vouch that isolating molters is an older practice that has gone out of favour - fewer crabs are recommended instead of isolating molters.

The HCA recommends 5 gal per crab (assuming you have smalls or mediums), but if you have the luxury of considering your setup well in advance of having crabs (which, if you read this forum you'll find most people dont - we tend to find ourselves caring for crabs & only trying after the fact to provide appropriate houses for them! That was certainly my story), it might be worthwhile to begin with a larger enclosure. That way you wouldn't have to worry about your crabs outgrowing their home.

Were you thinking of using a 20L with topper because you already have these size tanks handy? If not, I'd recommend a 29 gal over a 20L (with topper) because the 29 has the same footprint but is deeper & therefore allows more moulting space. :)
If you used a 29 gal with topper, you'd have a pretty sweet tank that would take your crabs a while to outgrow.

Just FYI, a 4 foot long tank is recommended for jumbos. They are very active & anything smaller is thought to be too restrictive.

Also - consider a modified hamster wheel in your setup. Some crabbers report their crabs are super into them, and are less destructive after the wheel is introduced.

Looking forward to hearing more as your set up evolves!
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Re: Planning on buying crabs, need setup advice.

Post by Hermias_mom » Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:58 pm

For tiny, small, and medium PPs, a substrate depth of 6" or three times the height of your tallest crab is recommended, whichever is deeper. But if you have small/medium Es (Ecuadorians), I'd recommend a minimum of 12" deep substrate. E's have a tendency to dig up molters and eat them. Having deeper substrate, lots of protein and calcium in the diet, and not overcrowding the crabs helps avoid this. For jumbo crabs, a tank size of 75-100 gallons is the minimum recommended (they need the width and digging space). There's a size chart in the care sheets for determining what size crabs you have. You don't have crabs yet, so maybe go for a target size when setting up your substrate.

By the way, I'd check out the HCA adoption threads for your area, and Craigslist to see if they have crabs you can adopt before purchasing them from a pet store. Adopted crabs are likely to be healthier, less prone to dying from post-purchase syndrome (PPS), and you won't be supporting the pet trade. The crabs go through some really horrible and inhumane treatment on the way to our pet stores, and I for one try not to vote with my wallet to support those things. There's more info in the Advocacy section of the Forum if you're interested. Whether you adopt or buy, we'll still be happy to help you care for your hermies. And there's some folks who really want to adopt, but can't find anyone in their area after looking for a long time, so they buy them from the pet store. When I first got my crabs, I didn't know adoption was even something people did. Kudos to you for trying to make a great habitat before bringing home your crabs!!!

Here's a link to the care sheets. I know it's a lot of info, but it is SO worth it to read everything. If you have any questions, let us know, we'd be happy to help! ... m.php?f=51
Last edited by Hermias_mom on Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Planning on buying crabs, need setup advice.

Post by Hermias_mom » Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:03 pm

Here's a post on mixing species, including some info on Strawberries and other types. Blueberries are protected, and odds of seeing them outside of Japan are extremely low. Many experienced crabbers recommend starting with purple pinchers (PPs) and caring for them for a few years before getting any exotics (anything besides a PP), since exotics can be even more particular and sensitive than PPs. ... s#p1036812
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Re: Planning on buying crabs, need setup advice.

Post by Gytrash » Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:12 pm

Thank you guys for quick, helpful answers!

I thought a 20g instead of 29 purely on height since I want to add a topper, but I'm flexible.

Once they get to jumbo size, do people have luck with Rubbermaid tubs? The big ones, obviously. I've had that for my tort before he outgrew it. Hm.

That's probably why I've never seen blueberries lol,just saw them mentioned from caresheets.

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Re: Planning on buying crabs, need setup advice.

Post by daws409 » Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:42 pm

Hi! Welcome to HCA! Kuddos to you for doing your research first... I have 3 jumbo's and one extra large - borderline jumbo. They're kept in a 125G with a 40B topper. I also have a 90G and a 120G bamboo tank with a roof space between 60-75G. My exotics are housed with PP's and have never had any problems.

I suggest starting as big as possible to keep future upgrades at a minimum and it saves $ in the long run... Long story short, I started in a 10G, then upgraded to a 55G within a few months. After a few years, I got the 90G cause it's 6 inches wider (more roaming room). Recently, I added the bigger two tanks to accommodate my growing clan... I keep saying I'm done upgrading BUT I always want a bigger tank lol. If I could build a walk in crabitat like maybe 1000 Sq ft... that would be awesome!! One can dream right!?

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Re: Planning on buying crabs, need setup advice.

Post by daws409 » Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:45 pm

Also wanted to add that medium or smaller crabs need 5 gals per crab. Large's need 7 gals per crab and jumbo's need 15 gals per crab and at least 75G tank.

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Re: Planning on buying crabs, need setup advice.

Post by GotButterflies » Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:20 am

Welcome to the HCA!

Recommend substrate depth for any crab is 6" or three times the height of your largest crab (whichever is deeper); with the exception of Ecuadorians- they need the 12" depth that someone previously mentioned. Just wanted to clarify that.

I personally don't recommend keeping strawberries in anything less than a 55 or 75 gallon. For some reason most of the Straws I have seen in the pet trade industry are huge. When I got mine I purposely got the smallest ones, and I keep mine in a 75 gallon. To each's own though.

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