Salt water in my substrate

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Salt water in my substrate

Post by SurfinCrab13 » Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:26 am

Hi all. I'm building a new crab habitat. I mixed distilled water the ZooMed salt water conditioner into my sand and Coco fiber substrate. Now I've become worried that this might not be good for the crabs. Is the ZooMed salt conditioner safe? Should I start over? The crabs are not in the new habitat yet. The old habitat I used straight dististlled water in the substrate. I don't use the ZooMed in the drinking/bathing pools,

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Re: Salt water in my substrate

Post by GotButterflies » Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:19 pm

Well, I personally don't recommend this stuff. Most of the things marketed for hermit crabs are overpriced. You would be better to purchase a bottle of Prime, and a box of Instant Ocean, it's way more beneficial for your crabs, and it will last you a lot longer than this stuff! :) But that's me ;)
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