
Please post here if you are a new crab owner and someone will be along shortly to welcome you to the HCA! This is also the place to welcome new crabbies to your clan!
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Post by OldGnarlHead » Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:15 am

Hello! Wasn't quite sure where to put this, but I figured this section was most appropriate.

My name is Robin and we (husband and I) currently have one hermit crab, Goliath (she is currently in 3" shells, hence the name). I think she is a strawberry. We got Goliath from a friend who has had her (we're assuming sex, she's usually pretty shy so I haven't been able to sneak a peek) for several years, like probably more than seven, if I am remembering correctly. We've had her for a while now, maybe 4-5 months. And here comes the fessing up part. We've not kept her correctly AT ALL. And I feel very badly. She has has at least one successful molt since we've had her. It could have been two though.
I am very into naturalistic, bioactive vivaria. I currently have a converted-to-arboreal 55 gal bio viv that will house crested geckos at some point, and am getting a tarantula (unknown species) and a leopard gecko from a friend who no longer has time for them, that will also be in bio vivs at some point. We also have the cutest dog on the planet, shar-pei/beagle mix, Cricket.
So I've been excited to set up bio vivs for the new arrivals when I realized that I have another pet that we have been pretty much neglecting for too long. So, long story short, we are upgrading her! She is currently in a 10gal UTH 100% cocoa fiber bedding with three shells she can actually switch into and three that are way too small, with very shallow water and salt water dishes. I just added in a moss pit today... She will eventually be getting a 29 gallon bioactive tank (probably not planted) with several levels and maybe some friends. The person we got her from said that she was a bully so we didn't get her any tank mates, but in a bigger space with enough room to get away from one another I think it could work out. Planning on making a hermit crab heaven playground. Well, in comparison to what she has, anyway.
I realize I have been an awful pet keeper, but that is well on its way to changing.

Anyway that is our deal so far. Hello to all the other hermie housers out there!

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Re: Hello!

Post by Happyhermiehome » Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:45 pm

Hi! I'm pretty new to crabbing to. Been at it about 7mo. Since I got my first crab from a relative. It's great that your upgrading her living conditions! It may be that she was a bit of a bully because she is rather large and in a small tank with minimal shell selection. I'm still new to this but I think that competing for space,food and shells are major aggression triggers. Once she's in a larger tank with plenty of shells that are appropriate and good high protein diet she may enjoy some company. maybe try getting her a tank mate once her conditions are optimal :)
Livin' the Crazy crab life :P

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