strategy to battle mold

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strategy to battle mold

Post by CrazyCrab12 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:46 am

I give mostly fresh food to my crabs but recently i've been battling more and more with mold. Its white and long and fuzzy. If the food i offer is really moist, it can go moldy in only a few hours resulting in me replacing the food multiple times per day. I've considered stopping giving them fresh food for about 4 days. they have other things in their tank to nibble on that don't go moldy like cuttlebone, alfalfa hay, timothy hay, and cholla wood. Nobody seems to be about to molt so theres no dire need for protien. What do you guys think of this. should i try it or would it be a bad idea to not feed them for so long?
Last edited by CrazyCrab12 on Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by CrabMater » Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:04 pm

hi, i stopped feeding them ON the substrate. i got myself a big plastic corner shower caddy that looks like a triangle plate that fits in a corner. i prop wood under and along the side so there are multiple access points. now i have a big staging area for my plates/shells. and they really cant drag food off. all 3 can go up there but usualky one at at time will feed. and when the plate gets dirty i can take it out and wipe it up.
i dont know whats a safe amount of time crabs can go w/o protein. i do know they are cannibals. Wait for more experienced crabbers to chime in. and good luck.

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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by GotButterflies » Wed Jul 26, 2017 8:27 pm

Interesting- what kind of substrate do you have? Did you mix it with dechlorinated freshwater or dechlorinated marine saltwater?

Do you mist your tank regularly?

I would recommend spritzing the substrate with dechlorinated marine saltwater once (only once- salt doesn't evaporate & you don't want salt to build up)- the salt will help cut down on the mold growth.

Protein is extremely important. I recommend Providing it daily. Please check the food pyramid

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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by C_fiesta » Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:07 pm

I just want to say that mold isn't terrible, it won't harm your crabs, it's just unsightly.

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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by CrazyCrab12 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:42 pm

The substrate is half coconut fiber and half sand. I plan on switching to 1:5 ratio the next time i'm forced to clean it. It was mixed with dechlorinated salt water. I actually haven't been misting the tank for about a month. Its gotten to the perfect point where the evaporation from the water bowls keep it at a perfect 80%. Maybe i'll just feed them dried food with no moisture for a few weeks.
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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by GotButterflies » Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:39 am

Dechlorinated marine saltwater? Just want to make sure it is indeed marine

Agreed, mold won't harm your crabs, but it can harm us.

Have you calibrated your hygrometer lately? I'm wondering if it's higher than 80- which also isn't a problem. Mine gets up into 90s.

Be careful misting. That can lead to flooding.

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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by CrazyCrab12 » Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:05 pm

the salt i use for the saltwater is Instant Ocean.

I'm not sure how to calibrate my hydrometer since it is digital.

Again, I haven't misted the tank in about a month so I don't think flooding is an issue.
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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by GotButterflies » Fri Jul 28, 2017 7:44 pm

Great! Calibration is the same for analog and digital. I believe it's under the forums for crabitat conditions. I'm on my phone so I am unable to attach a link. I'm sorry.

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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by CrazyCrab12 » Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:20 pm

thanks, i'll check it out
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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by GotButterflies » Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:05 am


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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by wodesorel » Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:49 am

I always have trouble with giant fuzzy mold in the summer. I blame the high humidity levels, and eventually it does settle down. Using saltwater to mix substrate and soak items can really help with inhibiting it from growing in the first place, but once it starts it's almost impossible to control. It never mattered if it was dry or fresh, by morning it was cotton candy. If you don't mind the idea of bugs in the tank, springtails will take care of mold and mold spores which really helps. I find all my tanks end up with them naturally, but it can sometimes take a while before that happens.
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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by CrazyCrab12 » Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:59 pm

Is there anywhere where you can buy spring tails? I've definetly never seen them
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Re: strategy to battle mold

Post by wodesorel » Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:13 am

Naturally you can get them from using collected leaf litter, but you can also bring in other insects that way. It'll be free though!

Insect sellers and vivarium supply places have them, as they are popular with amphibian keepers. Two shops I've bought from before that I know carry them are Roach Crossing and Josh's Frogs.
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