Do they eventually become less skittish?

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.
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Do they eventually become less skittish?

Post by karlys » Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:31 am


I know they're prey in the wild and I am a giant monster who could eat them but do they eventually stop running when you approach the tank?

Well, Papaya is actually pretty confident. If he's walking when I approach, he'll pause but then keep going and, if he's doing something stationary like eating or drinking, my presence doesn't phase him. Egg and Coconut, however, run for the hills (the cork bark).

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Re: Do they eventually become less skittish?

Post by C_fiesta » Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:00 pm

I think over time they will become less skittish, similar to what you described. But I think it varies crab to crab. They will never be excited to see us, that I'm pretty sure of. But we can hope, right? :)

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Re: Do they eventually become less skittish?

Post by wodesorel » Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:13 pm

I think it comes down more to the individual crab than something they learn over time. My Ruggie is up close and personal with me on a daily basis because of where her tank is and she still runs a lot. I have some PPs though who are not bothered on a regular basis who are completely chill with me doing whatever. Not all crabs will come around, but some will, and some won't ever run into the first place.
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Re: Do they eventually become less skittish?

Post by CallaLily » Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:25 pm

I agree that it depends on the individual crab. I have some that aren't bothered by me in the slightest and others that still tuck in or take off.

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Re: Do they eventually become less skittish?

Post by Kermie16 » Thu Aug 17, 2017 7:52 am

Definitely have to agree with those above, it seems like it's an individual per crab thing:) Our Mike really never cared if my hand was in the tank or not. Sometimes he would just stare and be like "what now?!" Lol!

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Re: Do they eventually become less skittish?

Post by Just Jay » Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:15 am

I agree as well. I'm pretty "hands on" with my tank so they are all used to me but i still have one that just is not social at all. The best response i get from her is when offering food. Even then if i move to fast or make a loud sound she's gone. While Hermionie is goes so far as saying she likes me. Often I'll move things when she isn't out or up but she either comes out to see what's going on then notices it's me; or from hearing me talk a bit she will get up and come to me. Always steps onto my hand. I even have a crab where it's 50/50 but she's warming up as i figure out what she likes.

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