New crab owner

Please post here if you are a new crab owner and someone will be along shortly to welcome you to the HCA! This is also the place to welcome new crabbies to your clan!
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New crab owner

Post by Masschaos23 » Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:37 pm

Hi new crab owner with just a couple of random questions across different subjects for the crab.
I found him abandoned and brought him home. He’s an Ecuadorian hermit and I bought him a PP friend “got it from petsmart so I didn’t really have a choice on the breed u.u”.
I have them housed in a new 20 gal they were both in plastic cages when I found them. I have a temporary hiding place, 6 inches of substrate, climbing logs, a climbing net (not attached with adhesive i dont trust glue around animals) I have their water conditioners, a daylight bulb, a spray bottle for humidity, a sponge (not exactly sure on its purpose yet), and a shallow and deepish water bowl for salt and fresh water but the bowls are temporary. I use organic fruits and veggies to feed.
My questions were how exactly do I wet his substrate do I do it in the tank.
Do I have the room for a Another Ecuadorian and pp if I wanted to get species friends.
How big and deep should their water dishes be should they be able to fully submerse?
How do I get the Ecuadorian out of his painted shell.
Is it bad to have them Housed under tv (this was the sturdiest and safest spot for them unless I can keep them on the floor) .
What heating and light bulbs should I be using and is there an exact wattage, I have a 60 blue daytime from all living things in my turtles old deep dome fixture.
How do I make them less stressed around me even though I know there not used to me as an owner.
And are there any beneficial insects or other creatures I could add to the tank to keep a thriving ecosystem? I would think it would help with upkeep like the minnow and plants and filter do in my turtles tank.
Sorry I know there’s a lot of questions but I only want the best for my pets haha, I want them to be as happy and in as natural of an enviorment as possible.

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Re: New crab owner

Post by LadyJinglyJones » Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:47 pm

Hiya!! :D
Welcome to the HCA. ... it was lovely of you to take in the poor E.

I'll start by offering this link - it's a page explaining what needs to go into a basic setup & heating and humidity requirements:


Also, questions:
1. What brand of dechlorinator do you have?

2. What is the name of the salt water additive you have?

3. What are you using for the substrate?


A 20 gal might be considered a bit small for an E or two. They're known to be very active diggers. Just very active generally. Supply your E with a high protein diet every day. In the past they got a bit of a bad rap for digging up moulters and treating them like entrees. This can be mostly avoided by giving them deeper sub (someone with Es help me out here... how deep? @GotButterflies ?) & lots of animal protein. They require somewhat higher temperatures than PPs need, but can be housed with them. For now stick to the two crabs you have.

Here is the E care sheet:


You seem to know they need same-species buddies, but 2 Es & 2 PPs in a 20 gal will likely be problematic.

Water dishes do need to be deep enough to submerge fully. They also need to be able to climb out safely. There are a lot of ways to accomplish this, and cheaply. Doubled up tupperware containers are popular, as is using craft mesh or siliconed stones to make a way out. Ask if you need to! So many options exist. :)

The sponge is just something they sell you. Isn't necessary.

Not over-wetting the substrate is key. As you may have read, it needs to be sand-castle consistentcy but not wet. You can do this in tank if thats where the sub already is, or you just want to.

If it currently won't hold its shape when squeezed, first remove the crabs & decore, then fluff it with your hands. You can add dechlorinated fresh water, or weak (diluted) marine salt water (helps inhibit mould/some bacteria). Add water slowly, stirring the sub around to get an even consistency, and squeezing handfuls til it holds.

Warning: if you have purchased 'hermit crab sand' or calcium sand, do not add it. Unfortunately it is dangerous to crabs under moist crabitat conditions. (Hardens after becoming wet & drying: can dry in crabs joints & shells :( )

You can use playsand from your local hardware store instead - it is safe. And cheap. :)

For lighting, a daylight spectrum bulb is fine. 12 hours of light, 12 of dark will approximate their wild conditions. Some recommend the use of UVB. What scant evidence exists suggests that they don't need UV to produce D3, like vertebrates. It may have other benefits for them - uv def. affects larva, but there is less known about adults & UV. I don't consider it necessary, but opinions will vary.

Under the TV might be noisy for them. ... they are sensitive to vibrations. Perhaps consider this location a temporary situation & try to think of somewhere else for them.

(If you are handy & like fooling with tools, I can link you a youtube tutorial on building a sturdy aquarium stand from 2×4's, quite cheaply.)

As far as getting them comfortable, leave them alone for a while. Just let them adapt to their new home.

Finally, the companion animals (or 'clean up crew') we recommend for crabs are isopods (roly-polies and wood lice) and/or springtails (collembola species). These guys are detrivores & help keep the surface of the sub tidy. Both appreciate the humid environment our crabs need.

No other animals are recommended as crabitat additives.

Any further questions?
"Gaze upon the rolling deep..."
Quince the fat tailed gecko; Amazonian minnows; and now Harry & Luis, Bede & Aster, Chandra & Jace, Pax, & Piccolo, my adopted PPs.
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Re: New crab owne

Post by Masschaos23 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:30 am

Thanks for link just one question I forgot last night, analog or digital for the hydro and thermo, I e always trusted analog over digital but there might be something better out there :). I use an older mercury thermometer/hydrometer because my room is at a constant 90% humidity thanks to turtle filter.
I’m using the all living things conditioner for the salt and fresh water should I use a different brand ? I usually only use Fluker but they had none at pet store will my turtles water conditioner be better?
Are the salt water additives the same as conditioner (sorry I’m used to only fresh water)
I’m using the 5/1 mix of plays and and cocofiber :) they seem to love it even though I haven’t wet it yet.
I see the activity difference haha the E is always running around day or night while the pp is sleeping under his log but Feeding should be no problem I have a problem with being heavy handed with food haha. What would be great protein sources ? I tried river shrimp sun dried and I don’t think they were very interested in them they just found flung the around the tank.

I could buy another 20 gal and take the bottom out and make a terrarium/aquarium for them :D or just go ahead and buy a 40 gal haha
I got my dishes perfect I believe my only fear was that my pp wouldnt be able to get in/out but they are great climbers and really smart :D
I’m going to try to wet substrate today after I scoop and clean it I’ll let everyone know how that goes haha
I use a daylight bulb as the lighting and heat source just for the fact that I want my tank environments to be as natural as possible so the crabs can be as happy as possible :).
I only have them under tv as a temp setup till I can afford to make stand the link would be appreciated :D
But I have left them alone last ninth was the first night I’ve seen my pp crawl around like the E was :)
But I cool on the rolipolies and wood lice( which are really tree shrimp >:D) I used to always play with the rolipolies outside by tryin to draw them out of their holes in the ground haha there was a rhyme that went along with it xD but I’ll be sure to order some :)
I do have one last question, what are your thoughts on adhesive in the aquarium, how would u get a climbing background to stay in place?

Sorry if my replies seem short or rushed I’m just trying to take in all the information haha

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Re: New crab owne

Post by Hermiesguardian » Sat Oct 21, 2017 5:02 pm

Masschaos23 wrote:Thanks for link just one question I forgot last night, analog or digital for the hydro and thermo, I e always trusted analog over digital but there might be something better out there :). I use an older mercury thermometer/hydrometer because my room is at a constant 90% humidity thanks to turtle filter.
I’m using the all living things conditioner for the salt and fresh water should I use a different brand ? I usually only use Fluker but they had none at pet store will my turtles water conditioner be better?
Are the salt water additives the same as conditioner (sorry I’m used to only fresh water)
I’m using the 5/1 mix of plays and and cocofiber :) they seem to love it even though I haven’t wet it yet.
I see the activity difference haha the E is always running around day or night while the pp is sleeping under his log but Feeding should be no problem I have a problem with being heavy handed with food haha. What would be great protein sources ? I tried river shrimp sun dried and I don’t think they were very interested in them they just found flung the around the tank.

I could buy another 20 gal and take the bottom out and make a terrarium/aquarium for them :D or just go ahead and buy a 40 gal haha
I got my dishes perfect I believe my only fear was that my pp wouldnt be able to get in/out but they are great climbers and really smart :D
I’m going to try to wet substrate today after I scoop and clean it I’ll let everyone know how that goes haha
I use a daylight bulb as the lighting and heat source just for the fact that I want my tank environments to be as natural as possible so the crabs can be as happy as possible :).
I only have them under tv as a temp setup till I can afford to make stand the link would be appreciated :D
But I have left them alone last ninth was the first night I’ve seen my pp crawl around like the E was :)
But I cool on the rolipolies and wood lice( which are really tree shrimp >:D) I used to always play with the rolipolies outside by tryin to draw them out of their holes in the ground haha there was a rhyme that went along with it xD but I’ll be sure to order some :)
I do have one last question, what are your thoughts on adhesive in the aquarium, how would u get a climbing background to stay in place?

Sorry if my replies seem short or rushed I’m just trying to take in all the information haha

Hi. I'm new too. The only suggestion I can give since I'm still learning, is to attach climbing wall with suction cups. Although my guys have yet to climb at all. Unless they do while I'm asleep.
raising son's dog, Dante. Husky/hound.
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Re: New crab owner

Post by Masschaos23 » Sat Oct 21, 2017 6:09 pm

See I wanted too but I’m not sure where to get plain suction cups at xD
* I FOUND I BUNCH OF TINY ONES THAT I GUESS WENT TO AN OLD FILTER THAT ARE BRAND NEW :D also mine climb nonstop :) I either there desperate to escape or I jmade the, very happy I keep catching them munching down on it to so that’s also good :)

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Re: New crab owner

Post by Hermiesguardian » Sat Oct 21, 2017 7:17 pm

Masschaos23 wrote:See I wanted too but I’m not sure where to get plain suction cups at xD
* I FOUND I BUNCH OF TINY ONES THAT I GUESS WENT TO AN OLD FILTER THAT ARE BRAND NEW :D also mine climb nonstop :) I either there desperate to escape or I jmade the, very happy I keep catching them munching down on it to so that’s also good :)
I got my suction cups at Walmart. Very small ones and large ones.
raising son's dog, Dante. Husky/hound.
Raising daughter's hermit crabs, Shelder, Paras and Derek. Added 2 more of my own (of course) Pete and Stryper. Former mommy to 2 guinea pigs and beloved cat, Nissi

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Re: New crab owner

Post by broke669 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:25 am

never underestimate the dollarstore! i have found so many things for my crabitat there, and at rock-bottom prices too!

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