HARD Well Water

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HARD Well Water

Post by sabrinamae12 » Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:46 pm

Hey all! I've been off for a while as last year was a bit of a cluster for me - continuing a new job, getting married, moving... But I'm getting back into the swing of things and I'm feeling the itch lately! Also, got my co-worker addicted to crabs as well. I think the affliction is contagious :banana: :hlol:

Anyway. I mentioned the move. I moved to the husband's family farm. It's great and it's beautiful, but they have HARD well water. And I mean hard. I haven't had it tested, and none of the humans are growing extra appendages or turning funny colors, but I do worry with how sensitive they are that the crabs could be affected by any metals/minerals in the water. I didn't know if they were especially sensitive to iron or carbonates. I wouldn't figure so, but bio-accumulation and all that. Environmental Science graduate, so I get it.

Anyone else deal with this? I have Jungle Start Right that I've used for the fish before, and I know a lot of crabbers like Prime.

Planning to upgrade this year - my mom is parting ways with her 50 gal (or so she says), so I've staked my claim!

Happy to be back! :crabbigsmile:

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Re: HARD Well Water

Post by wodesorel » Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:38 pm

Heavy metals are really the only ones we know of to be concerned with. Prime or another good conditioner that lists them will treat for them.

Salt water is technically hard water so I don't think that itself is a worry. You might want to consider bottled water for their drinking water just in case and so they have that option.

That said we are on city water that is extremely hard and seriously high in iron. Our whole house filter is dark red-orange after only a month. The only thing I can't keep and that does horribly are snails for some reason, and I think that has something to do with the pipes in town since we get our water from the same plant as the fish store who never has issues.

I don't know if you would want to get the water tested, sometimes it's better to not know. I was in environmental studies myself back in the day and now I won't look at any house that isn't hooked up to the city because I know how bad our aquafers are in the area!

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Re: HARD Well Water

Post by sabrinamae12 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:34 am

Wode, thank you for that! I didn't even think about it that way - salt water technically being well water. You're totally right! Definitely wasn't planning on testing the water, just wanted to make sure something takes out what needs to be! :D

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