20 gallon long pics please?

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20 gallon long pics please?

Post by Fledgling » Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:26 pm

So with my recent adoption I received a 20gal long tank. I was hyped to have a bigger tank to work with and had lots of ideas for it. But once I got all of my sub in there, I realized that I wasn't going to have as much space to work with as I thought. My current setup is temporary since I'm waiting for my little guy in the 10gal to finish molting, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to best utilize the vertical space. Already one of the adopted crabs has tried climbing out of the tank! I have some ideas and plenty of decor and supplies, but making it fit and look nice will be the challenge. I'd love to upgrade, but can't afford it right now...and I'll be moving back to school in a month and i am going to have to convince my landlord to allow the 20....

Could some experienced crabbers with 20Ls please post pics of your setup?

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Re: 20 gallon long pics please?

Post by hayhay528 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:40 pm

i dont have a 20 L but i know what they look like.
a simple solution for now would be to use your 10 gallon as a topper once you get it cleaned out. you can search the forum for topper posts but you basically turn your tank upside down on another one and use it for vines and climbing space. good luck!

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Re: 20 gallon long pics please?

Post by wodesorel » Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:47 pm

Honestly, I skipped over a 20 long for just that reason, and went from a 10 to a 30 and again with my rug from a 10 to a 29. I do use 20's for all my geckos and a small snake and while there is a decent amount of floor space the height is just not there. I agree that for hermit's it is depressing BUT I have adopted many groups of large crabs that came in 20 longs and did great for their previous owners. The tank just doesn't look as happy as one that is taller.

hayhay's suggestion of getting a topper is not a bad idea for climbing room. A 10 is skinnier than a 20 though so you'd have to find a way to add about two inches to the width or it would fall inside.

And remember you only need six inches of sub or three times the size of your largest crab. At best that would be a half-filled 20 long.
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