And now it's a bottle baby kitten... [12/21 And again...]

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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by wodesorel » Wed Jul 25, 2018 10:05 pm

That is a good long life! The ending I'm sure was horrible, I'm so sorry. :( We've only had two make it past twenty, most have died before they hit their teens.

Franny was my baby from the time her eyes opened. Her mom went from rolling on the floor cuddling with me the day before she gave birth, to full-on postpartum hormonal psycho killer, so the closest I got to the babies before they were mobile enough to escape her and the carrier was four feet. So I would sit across the room and talk to them, and she would bumble over to the door and stare at me with her huge blue eyes. Fast foward almost 10 years and the three of them are still the most loud and conversational cats I have ever met. All of them will yell back if you call their name, no matter where they are in the house! Their other sister did the same before she passed last year.
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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by angelbearpuppy » Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:29 am

wodesorel wrote:That is a good long life! The ending I'm sure was horrible, I'm so sorry. :( We've only had two make it past twenty, most have died before they hit their teens.

Franny was my baby from the time her eyes opened. Her mom went from rolling on the floor cuddling with me the day before she gave birth, to full-on postpartum hormonal psycho killer, so the closest I got to the babies before they were mobile enough to escape her and the carrier was four feet. So I would sit across the room and talk to them, and she would bumble over to the door and stare at me with her huge blue eyes. Fast foward almost 10 years and the three of them are still the most loud and conversational cats I have ever met. All of them will yell back if you call their name, no matter where they are in the house! Their other sister did the same before she passed last year.
Awe that's a cute story about them answering back. I was comforted that he lived a long happy life. But it was sad. He actually was very vocal as well. But he could give you the coldest sholder when he was mad. My share would be that when he was a kitten he used to play hide and seek with me. My mom would hide his eyes and hold him and I would hide and call his name. He would come find me tap me on the head then run off to hide.

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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by GotButterflies » Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:14 am

Awe :cloud9: Bug is so gorgeous! Love her! You take such amazing pics!

I actually love all the pictures you take! Gosh - I sound like such a suck up - but it's true - you are so gifted in photography! Do you like a bazillion pics to get the right one? LOL Your pics are incredible. It's like each one tells a story.

Anyways...I'm keeping each of your babies in my thoughts! :) I hope Winston's surgery goes great tomorrow :)
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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by wodesorel » Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:53 pm

Thank you!! And yes, I do. I average about 1,500 photos a month. Tons of outtakes. Lots of experimenting with camera settings. I took a few amateur classes over the years which has helped with focus and layout. Knowing my subjects so well I think is the key! I can get them to sort of do what I want, and know when to time things so it's as clear as possible. Another trick is to focus on the cat/gecko/whatever and interact with it, not with the camera. Some shots come out horrible because it's hard to aim, but the ones that do are special because it's capturing those looks they give their people, not an inanimate object.

So...... The kids down the street brought us a cat they couldn't find the owners of. We'll take her and get her scanned and tested and go from there. Thinking it's probably our CeeCee's sister, actually. Image

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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by wodesorel » Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:59 pm

Also forgot to include a few of Elda from the other day at the vets. She loves Feliway! I sat on the floor and let her have the chair. Image Totally enjoyed herself until the vet walked in. (Our vet is quick to sit on the floor with them as well, and it's so nice to not be treated weird for putting their comfort before mine! She does the same, she is so awesome.)

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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by GotButterflies » Fri Jul 27, 2018 8:23 am

Love it!! Feliway is such a wonderful product!! I just wish it were more cost effective so more people could afford it! :)

Did the kitty have a chip? I hope she does!

Good vibes for Mr. Winston's surgery today!

How is Franny doing?
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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by wodesorel » Fri Jul 27, 2018 9:56 am

My vet buys the big professional bottles which have 1,400 sprays in them. I thought for sure they were going to cost $$$$ but they're $60 on Chewy so we got one for our house!

Hubby will get new NoWant in later today for her scan.

It was a day, Winston is moved to Monday. I got the drop off time wrong in our calendar so hubby scheduled a big meeting then and we still only have one working car so there was no way to get him there. Which was fine, because I thought he pulled food and water last night but he forgot to, so poor Winston couldn't have had anesthesia today anyway. I blame NoWant kitty. She messed the whole night up. Image We were bound to screw up sometime!

Fran is doing really well. A little bad spell here and there but it's hours, not days. She is finally standing up and stretching more. It looks like stability is coming back to her rear legs.

Unfortunately I finally got hands on her sister Runtskies last night. She is semi-feral so she goes weeks without wanting to be touched. She's way too thin and is growling at hard food. Seriously. So I have another cage on the way and I'm sneaking her canned where she is holed up in the basement in the meantime so the other cats don't bother her. She has an appointment next week, hoping it's just a bad tooth. She is ridiculously high strung and has congenital luxating patella like her brother, so she is just a hot psycho mess. Total lovebug when caged though. And talks too much, too! (She's singing at me now.)Image
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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by aussieJJDude » Fri Jul 27, 2018 10:14 am

Wow wod! All your cats sound like a handful, too much illness, meds and vet appointments to remember.

Fantastic read, and super cute cats - some look so floofy! - but wow, these last couple of posts are a rollercoaster! Grats on new kitty as well!

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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by wodesorel » Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:47 pm

Yeah, this is the craziest it's ever been at once. Usually the catastrophes (heh) come in pairs and trios but more spread out. It's decent timing - we're still in a holding pattern over the house, finances aren't horrible, and I'm not having that bad of a summer this year.

It does take a lot of planning. Hubby's and my calendar are synced, when I actually get stuff in right. I make lots of charts! In the middle of flea treating everyone today. ImageImage
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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by wodesorel » Fri Jul 27, 2018 4:28 pm

NoWant has no chip and does not seem to be spayed. She tested negative and the shelter started her on vaccines. (Not what I would have done but....) They'll try to get her in for her spay quick, just in case! They say she's under a year, I think she's a bit older.
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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by GotButterflies » Fri Jul 27, 2018 6:20 pm

Wow!!! Busy busy! Well...everything happens for a reason! Looks like you have a new cat! >^..^< Congratulations! :)

Edit: Fran's sister looks just like her! I hope she feels better soon!
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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by Moonlightdreams » Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:35 pm

Wode, you are amazing for helping all of these animals! :D You are wonderful! (Woderful?) Thank you for doing so much good in the world. :)
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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by wodesorel » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:05 am

That is Fran! I haven't been able to get a decent picture of Runtskies. She's just been eating herself senseless. She's semi-feral (or just weird as heck) and is extremely skittish. Haven't wanted to stress her out more than she is.

Simba and his sister Little Miss decided to break with their skin eruption thing, so Runtskies appointment got bumped. Been going on for years, vets cannot figure out why. It's been a while since LM has had a problem, but Simba breaks a couple times a year. He has a strong heart murmur (grade 4) that has been constant so no one wants to knock him out for a biopsy. Hoping they can do his sister this time and we can get an answer. It's not an infection and as far as we can tell it is not allergies as it happens randomly at different times of the year, and spontaneously resolves with nothing having been changed. (Big weepy raw patches, usually on the stomach and back of the legs, and oh heavens the smell.) It's weird they both have it. They were a litter of 8 originally that we fostered at 4 weeks, with warbles. (Don't google that, it's fly larvae that live in the skin and muscle.) Four died right away, Poppy made it a few more weeks but we think she may have died from toxoplasmosis, and we lost Dudley a couple years ago as an adult to a sudden pleural effusion (fluid in the lungs) on Superbowl Sunday. I keep wondering if they have lupus, but I know that it's never lupus. ( ;) )

Winston looks like a horror movie, and so does our living room. I can normally deal with anything, but his ear is making me nauseous and shakey it is so graphic. So yeah, no pictures. Doc was concerned but his coagulation panel came back normal, so we just had to wait it out. He had a lot of bleeding and clots overnight and is subdued this morning. (There is splatter 10 feet away on the walls and floors, and his E collar is soaked....) Waiting for the office to open so we can check in. His ear is swelled up double and is trying to swell through the buttons used to connect both sides of his ear. I'm sure all we can do is wait it out, but this is absolutely horrible.
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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by GotButterflies » Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:33 am

Funny! No wonder the picture looked like Fran ;)

One of my cats had that issue too. It was just on his stomach. He caused it from over grooming himself though. (Same spots!) Whenever he would do it we would give him a Depo/Dex injection, A Convenia Injection, and I would put Neo Predef Powder on the wounds. Then I started using Feliway plug ins around my house and he quit doing it!

So sorry about Winston. Maybe the vet can give him something to make him a little sleepy so he will rest and not shake his head?
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Re: And now it's a bottle baby kitten...

Post by wodesorel » Tue Jul 31, 2018 12:33 pm

The only thing that seems to help Simba is TrizChlor spray, probably because it deals with secondary infections and has steroids. Oral steroids help a little, but not as much as I would expect for a dermatitis. (Fran has flea dermatitis, she cleared up in 48 hours.) We've done all the shots (Convenia, Depo) and the oral meds (Pred, multiple types of antibiotics) repeatedly. Topicals are the only thing that works. He doesn't pick at it either, healing time is the same with or without an ecollar.

Winston is doing better after morning pain meds. They loaded him up yesterday with injectables but the oral brup helped the most. I left the betadine at the other house, so hubby is going to bring that home tonight so we can rinse some of the blood off. With it being summer I am seriously worried about a stray fly being attracted to it. All it takes is one, and they get in the house sometimes. I've had maggots on kittens before, it's like one of my worst (formerly irrational) fears.
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