For new folks, you don't have to order these exact items. These are just some mixes from Hermit Crab Patch and TheHealthyHermit. I personally would rather just order mixes and organic items from people that I know are 100% true than try to find items locally that might/might not be truly organic.
I was able to make a 23 day rotation if I keep each meal in the tank for 2 days. My crabs usually don't eat much the first day so that gives them time to get a good serving of whatever they want.
If you need to know what's in each mix, I think I posted it in the beginning of this thread but if not just let me know I'll send it! I was able to add missing proteins from the mixes with single items. So each meal *should* hit all food groups every night.
Here's my food menu for my 4 purple pinchers and 2 ecuadorians.
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