Also what kind of heater should I look for? We just have 2 small UTHs for our 10g and it keeps the tank at 78-80 degrees.
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I'm not sure about how much sand or ee. But the Ultratherm is one of the best heaters to get. You can find it on beanfarm.com or reptilebasics.com. Get one that covers the entire back (from top of substrate to top of tank) of the tank.kaykmerr wrote:Less than a month with our hermit crabs and I know this is going to be a long term hobby for my family and I(this all started as a first pet and birthday gift for my 7 year old) so we are upgrading our crabitat from a 10g to a 55g (found an AWESOME deal on Let Go) as I try to work out all of the new supplies we will need, I’m wondering how much play sand I should plan on buying if I want the substrate to be 6-10” deep. We have all eco earth right now but I plan to do a mixture. How much more eco earth will I need for the right sand to EE ratio? We have enough in our 10g to have 6”.
Also what kind of heater should I look for? We just have 2 small UTHs for our 10g and it keeps the tank at 78-80 degrees.
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