Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

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Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by Docssoulmate » Sun Feb 02, 2020 2:45 pm

Since you've come to the emergency forum, we know you want a fast answer to your question. In order for us to figure out the problem as quickly as possible, we ask that you answer the following questions as best you can. Some of them may seem odd, but they're all designed to give us the information we need to give you a good solution for your problem. The things in the [ brackets ] are there to make this post easier to read once submitted. Thanks!

1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?
I use a mixture of EE and Reptile bark on the top. It is 6-7 inches deep

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read?
Yes, i have a digital gauge. Without anything but spritzing and no heat source this time of year (my house is very hot) it reads between 73°-78° and humidity around 70. I just got a humidifier that i was planning on using as a fogger, and after 1 night the humidity rose to 85%but my crab evacuated the shell during the same night, so I took off the humidifier hose and just have it humidifiying the room. Current humid. Is 82%

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?
In the summer I use an infared heat lamp, but in the winter my house is around 73° without anything.

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?
Bottled spring water and salt water avail 24/7, salt water mixed with instant ocean. There was a period about a week ago that there wasnt salt water for a couple days because I ran out of IO

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?

I used to have them on shimp from petsmart along with fresh veggies, but when leo started going south i thought it could be the food so i switched him to 60% protein red shimp powder, fresh spinach and carrots, and added oats.

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?
He's a PP, I adopted him in April last year.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?
He molted when I initially got him (down for three weeks) and again around October.

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing?
He is in iso in my 40 gallon tank (the other two are in seperate iso tanks because I didnt want to move leo while he was frail).i usually have a plastic cover on the wire mesh lid, but took it off when I set up the humidifier.

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?
Everyone is in ISO right now. Leo, small, is in the 40, Libra, Med, is in a 10 gallon, and Pluck, small, who I just got on Tuesday, is in a travel cage but will be moving in with Libra on Tuesday. Once I get Leo sorted out, everyone will be in the 40.

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?
Leo has 10 right now. 3 in the water dish, 7 in the shell shop.

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?
The humidifier, but that was just using bottled spring water

12. How often do you clean the tank and how?
Spot clean with scoop as needed, complete empty and new substrate every 3 months. This was just done a week ago.

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?
No sponges

14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently?
The humidifier, but its not on now

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?
Leo has always been my clean crab (doesnt drag substrate everywhere, bathes regularly) but since his last molt in October he's been rather pale

16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.

So, both leo and libra were in the 10 gallon tank for about 2 weeks (leo first, then libra at the end of the two weeks) because my mom was watching them and i cant lift the 40 gallon full of stuff up the stairs to my house. So once we got them moved to my house, I started prepping the 40 gallon tank with new substrate. I used cold water so I was letting the tank warm up in the room for a couple days while they stayed in the small tank. Leo started showing signs that he was going into molt, mainly lethargy and there are 2 spots where it seems like his exo is coming off. Since they were already in my iso tank (libra was buried) I iso's leo in the big tank (by this time it was at temp) next couple days were slow. He still wasnt moving much, not interested in food unless I put him in the food dish, and overall acting weak. I started making changes thinking it was the food, but that didnt seem to help. At the thrift store yesterday I found a humidifier that looked like it was never used and had a single nozzle spout instead of an all-over spray. I had been looking into foggers because although both my digital gauges usually gave favorable results, sometimes when I didnt spray until late at night when I got home the gauge would read like a 68%. So i attached a hose, ran spring water through the humidifier, and placed it at the top of the tank. It blows cold air, so I added my infared heater so balance it out (i tried this in Libra's tank first and with both was maintaining temp. Of 75° and humid of 85°, and with the 40 being bigger I figured the humid would drop down a bit whem I set it up. Decided to set it up with Leo and at first he seemed really into it. He was moving around a little more and more interested in food, so I figured it was helping. Wake up the next morning to Leo's shell upturned and him naked between the water dishes. I rinsed out his shell, grabed a couple new ones to rinse off as well (all have been boiled and kept clean). I rinsed him off as well, and tried in incrimets of like 5 minutes on, 20 minutes off to try to get him back in a shell. After the 3rd or so attempt I got him back in his original shell. Set him in the food dish and he has stayed there for the ast couple of hours. The humidifier was taken out of his tank when I saw he was naked and the lamp was turned off. I did have the humidifier blow in the bedroom they are located ( I've been sick and it was also helping my cold) I dont think he's molting because I didnt see a molt sac on him when he was naked. So it looks like he's weak and needs to build up strength to move around, but i havent got a clue how to do that. I did just check on him and although he isnt as tight in his shell as I'd like (he's always hung out a little bit) he is holding on so I think the reshelling has success.

Crab Mom to Leo, Libra, and Pluq

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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by angelbear » Sun Feb 02, 2020 3:48 pm

I am not an expert, but maybe I can help with what I do know.

1. The first thing is the reptile bark. I am not sure this would be appropriate substrate is it not just shreaded fir bark. I would worry about the larger peices. Also fir and other evergreen trees when fresh secrete an oil that is a natural insectcide. Some people say it is fine I would be worried long term especially when wet it would make mine sick. I also tend to error on the side of caution. Most people here reccomend 5:1 sand to ee mix. I personally like 100 precent ee but that is my choice.

2. Tempreture:
The Climate: it is reccomended that the temperature be 80 to 85 degrees and humidity levels of at least 75%. Purple Pinchers can handle slightly lower temperatures down to 75 degrees. You should consider getting a heater to have some stability. Ultrathern is reccomended as you can insulate it.

3. Did you calibrate or have calibrated your gauge recently to make sure it is correct they can be wonky at times and not read correctly.

4. Bottled water is fine, and someone can correct me, I still think it is recconended to dose it with a declorinator that can remove heavy metals and chlorine.

5. Did you clean the humidifer first, even if it did not look used, it could of been i would hate for it to have had anything in it.

6. You really dont need to clean the substrate every three months. Unless there is an issue such as weird bugs or what not. Most members do not suggest deep cleaning.

7. You can try some high energy foods to help him such as (but not limmited to):
Bee pollen
Chicken bone marrow
Earthworm castings
Peanut butter (organic)
Honey (organic)
Blackstap molasses
Or any other food he particularly likes.

8. Lastly if you have not done yet already this site has a great article on how to set up a good environment for your hermit crabs located here it has a lot of great information: ... 28&t=92457 (basic care sheet) ... hp?t=92452 (Purple Pinchers) ... 25&t=92554 (hermit crab nutrition. Because varriety is king.)

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Hi, I have been crabbing about 7 now, and these guys have put up alot with my growing pains.
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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by Overmountain1 » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:07 pm

Pretty much exactly what was just said is what I would also say. I have some concerns with the bedding also, but I don’t know enough about that type to say much yet.

I would also like to add that crabs love and need variety in their diet, just like we do but even more critical in some areas. I believe the food guide was just posted, if not I’ll add it in a minute- I learned sooo much from looking through the lists. I didn’t see what type of calcium source(s) you’ve been offering? I may have just missed it.

I’m sorry your little one is not doing good, I hope he will eat a bit and start to turn things around. You could offer organic honey with crushed oyster shell or greensand on a Qtip, and see if he will take any that way too, so he won’t have to use any energy to get to it. I hope he turns around for you.

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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by Docssoulmate » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:15 pm

Thank you for your reply!

For my calcium, I've been providing spinach and red shimp powder (basically cruhed up red shrimp)

I did just recently reintroduce the bark- I had leo on it without ee for about 6 months, then switched to EE because it was more cost effective. I just found half a bag of the bark so I decided to use it on top because the EE gets everything so dirty when it's damp, but I can scoop it out and see how he does.

I think at the moment he is finally sleeping (he was up all morning with me) so I'm going to wait til tonight to try to feed him again.
Crab Mom to Leo, Libra, and Pluq

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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by angelbear » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:19 pm

Keep us posted on how he does. We all wish for a recovery.
Hi, I have been crabbing about 7 now, and these guys have put up alot with my growing pains.
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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by Docssoulmate » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:23 pm

angelbear wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2020 3:48 pm
I am not an expert, but maybe I can help with what I do know.

1. The first thing is the reptile bark. I am not sure this would be appropriate substrate is it not just shreaded fir bark. I would worry about the larger peices. Also fir and other evergreen trees when fresh secrete an oil that is a natural insectcide. Some people say it is fine I would be worried long term especially when wet it would make mine sick. I also tend to error on the side of caution. Most people here reccomend 5:1 sand to ee mix. I personally like 100 precent ee but that is my choice.

2. Tempreture:
The Climate: it is reccomended that the temperature be 80 to 85 degrees and humidity levels of at least 75%. Purple Pinchers can handle slightly lower temperatures down to 75 degrees. You should consider getting a heater to have some stability. Ultrathern is reccomended as you can insulate it.

3. Did you calibrate or have calibrated your gauge recently to make sure it is correct they can be wonky at times and not read correctly.

4. Bottled water is fine, and someone can correct me, I still think it is recconended to dose it with a declorinator that can remove heavy metals and chlorine.

5. Did you clean the humidifer first, even if it did not look used, it could of been i would hate for it to have had anything in it.

6. You really dont need to clean the substrate every three months. Unless there is an issue such as weird bugs or what not. Most members do not suggest deep cleaning.

7. You can try some high energy foods to help him such as (but not limmited to):
Bee pollen
Chicken bone marrow
Earthworm castings
Peanut butter (organic)
Honey (organic)
Blackstap molasses
Or any other food he particularly likes.

8. Lastly if you have not done yet already this site has a great article on how to set up a good environment for your hermit crabs located here it has a lot of great information: ... 28&t=92457 (basic care sheet) ... hp?t=92452 (Purple Pinchers) ... 25&t=92554 (hermit crab nutrition. Because varriety is king.)

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Thanks for your reply. like I said in my other post, I'm going to take out the bark and see if that makes any changes.

Re temperature/humidity: I'm going to set up his heater and let the humidifier blow out the rest of this gallon of water that I put in it (spring water, not in the tank) I'm not sure how to clean it without chemicals, so I'm hoping with a good blow of everything out it will be good. I think I've read that vinegar can be used, but I'm wondering if that is going to create some sort of noxcious gas (will read heavily on this before doing)

I havent calibrated recently, but I alternate between 2 gauges (I have 4 total) that always read within 1 point or so of each other, so I think they are pretty accurate.

Will check out dechlorinating. I thought spring water was decholorinated, but I very well could be wrong.

Cleaning substrate: Thats good to hear. After I take out the bark, I would like to try to use playsand with EE. How long do you think I should wait before switching them?

Will check out these resources, as well as try to feed him by hand tonight. His usual hours of "awakeness" are between 6pm and Midnight, and since he was up all morning with some crazy lady trying to shove him in a shell, I'm sure he's exhausted at the moment.

Thanks for your help!
Crab Mom to Leo, Libra, and Pluq

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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by JoeHermits » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:27 pm

It sounds like Leo is back in his shell, correct? A few notes from me:

1. The bark isn't really necessary and if anything may get in the way if used as a carpet. However, it is dried and sterilized and will likely not release anything harmful. It probably isn't an issue if it's only a minor additive.

2. Any temperature 70 degrees and above is fine. Below 70% humidity is not, but be sure your hygrometer is calibrated. Let us know how your humidifier works; some have had troubles with flooding with those things around.

3. Does the spring water bottle give any indication of chlorination or other treatments? You may still need a dechlorinator, depending on the brand.

Otherwise I think you did well getting Leo re-shelled. Keep the temperature and humidity up and offer plenty of protein.

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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by JoeHermits » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:31 pm

Docssoulmate wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:23 pm
Thanks for your reply. like I said in my other post, I'm going to take out the bark and see if that makes any changes.

Re temperature/humidity: I'm going to set up his heater and let the humidifier blow out the rest of this gallon of water that I put in it (spring water, not in the tank) I'm not sure how to clean it without chemicals, so I'm hoping with a good blow of everything out it will be good. I think I've read that vinegar can be used, but I'm wondering if that is going to create some sort of noxcious gas (will read heavily on this before doing)

I havent calibrated recently, but I alternate between 2 gauges (I have 4 total) that always read within 1 point or so of each other, so I think they are pretty accurate.

Will check out dechlorinating. I thought spring water was decholorinated, but I very well could be wrong.

Cleaning substrate: Thats good to hear. After I take out the bark, I would like to try to use playsand with EE. How long do you think I should wait before switching them?

Will check out these resources, as well as try to feed him by hand tonight. His usual hours of "awakeness" are between 6pm and Midnight, and since he was up all morning with some crazy lady trying to shove him in a shell, I'm sure he's exhausted at the moment.

Thanks for your help!
You can use white vinegar freely. It has a strong scent but it isn't harmful. It's usually sold pre-diluted to 5%.

Also, you can change the substrate anytime you're ready. You don't need to "transition" or do anything special.

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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by Docssoulmate » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:50 pm

JoeHermits wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:31 pm
You can use white vinegar freely. It has a strong scent but it isn't harmful. It's usually sold pre-diluted to 5%.

Also, you can change the substrate anytime you're ready. You don't need to "transition" or do anything special.
Thanks! Yes, Leo is back in his shell. I havent seen him peek his head up in a while, but I really do think he's sleeping (do hermit crabs sleep? I'm sure they do) Last time I moved their substrate, I had half of the top as EE and the other half as the bark, I'm going to move some of the bark out of the way so that there is more access to the EE, but it is already pretty patchy (I wouldn't say it is even half an inch thick, just pieces around the tank)

Will use vinegar and get the humifier cleaned up, but it sounds like I was on the right track using it as a defogger

Will figure out how to calibrate these measuring devices.

Will be picking up declorinator/ something that covers all 4 major contaminents (I'm on that link now)

Thanks for your help- we'll see how he does
Crab Mom to Leo, Libra, and Pluq

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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by angelbear » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:55 pm

Hi, I have been crabbing about 7 now, and these guys have put up alot with my growing pains.
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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by Docssoulmate » Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:55 pm

angelbear wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:55 pm ... 26&t=92540 (how to calibrate)
Thank you for this!

Update for the group: I just ordered dechlorinator after going to 2 stores ans they not have anything on the list. Since I havent been declorinating since April, I'm hoping one more day will be okay. Itll be here tomorrow. Will try to feed him tonight when its more "his time" of the day. Turned on the humidifier in the room, not directly to the tank (tank read 82%, 77.5°) set up his heater as well to get temp up. Moved the bark to one side of the tank so that there was nothing limiting burrowing into the EE.

Question about declorination: I ordered the Aqueon Tap Water Conditioner because it covered chlorine, chloride, ammonia, and heavy metals. The directions say to use 5ml per 10 gallons of water. So, if I'm reading this right, it would be 0.5 ml, or a drop in a dropper, to purify 1 gallon of water. Is this right? That just doesnt seem like a lot.
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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by angelbear » Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:58 pm

Docssoulmate wrote: Thank you for this!

Update for the group: I just ordered dechlorinator after going to 2 stores ans they not have anything on the list. Since I havent been declorinating since April, I'm hoping one more day will be okay. Itll be here tomorrow. Will try to feed him tonight when its more "his time" of the day. Turned on the humidifier in the room, not directly to the tank (tank read 82%, 77.5°) set up his heater as well to get temp up. Moved the bark to one side of the tank so that there was nothing limiting burrowing into the EE.

Question about declorination: I ordered the Aqueon Tap Water Conditioner because it covered chlorine, chloride, ammonia, and heavy metals. The directions say to use 5ml per 10 gallons of water. So, if I'm reading this right, it would be 0.5 ml, or a drop in a dropper, to purify 1 gallon of water. Is this right? That just doesnt seem like a lot.
That sounds about right. Although it might be closer to 2-3 drops for heavy metals. I use about thar when I make a gallon. A bottle should last a long time, unless you keep fish like i do.

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Hi, I have been crabbing about 7 now, and these guys have put up alot with my growing pains.
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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by JoeHermits » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:49 pm

Docssoulmate wrote: Thank you for this!

Update for the group: I just ordered dechlorinator after going to 2 stores ans they not have anything on the list. Since I havent been declorinating since April, I'm hoping one more day will be okay. Itll be here tomorrow. Will try to feed him tonight when its more "his time" of the day. Turned on the humidifier in the room, not directly to the tank (tank read 82%, 77.5°) set up his heater as well to get temp up. Moved the bark to one side of the tank so that there was nothing limiting burrowing into the EE.

Question about declorination: I ordered the Aqueon Tap Water Conditioner because it covered chlorine, chloride, ammonia, and heavy metals. The directions say to use 5ml per 10 gallons of water. So, if I'm reading this right, it would be 0.5 ml, or a drop in a dropper, to purify 1 gallon of water. Is this right? That just doesnt seem like a lot.
Most conditioners are concentrated enough that one to two drops per gallon is normal.

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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by angelbear » Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:47 pm

I just wanted to check in and see how your crab was doing today.
Hi, I have been crabbing about 7 now, and these guys have put up alot with my growing pains.
Proud mama of 2 shell babies:
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Re: Not molting, evacuated shell, now back in shell but still acting funky

Post by Docssoulmate » Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:25 pm

Hello, All,

It's with a heavy heart that I say Leo has crossed the rainbow bridge. He made another streaking spree today, and was almost white. After trying to get him back in his shell again and not succeeding, he passed away in my hand. He was my first crab, has been with me everywhere (my avatar is him at Niagra Falls) and I'm truly heartbroken.
Crab Mom to Leo, Libra, and Pluq

Crabbing since April 2019

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