We ordered two Ultratherms, 11x35 for the back and 11x17 on one side from Reptile Basics last weekend. We used Reflectix for the first time on the back. Piece of cake to install compared to the insulation board we previously used.
We used four 50 pound bags of Playsand mixed at an approximate 5:1 ratio of Eco Earth. It took approximately two gallons of dechlorinated salt water to get it to sandcastle consistency. That gave us about 12 inches of substrate.
We custom built the background from egg crate, crafting mesh, fake plants from Hobby Lobby, and cholla from The Cholla Queen. Xeno made the braided jute and hemp climbing ropes, decorated the hanging dome and flower pot. We are really happy with how it turned out. We are waiting for the temperature and humidity to balance out before adding the tenants. At least it will at look nice for a day or two!
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