MI, OH, IL, IN Adopters

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Post by Glittercrab » Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:00 pm


how far you are willing to travel- 1.5 hours

If you are willing to pay for shipping-yes

You should write about your experience with hermit crabs
I've owned them once before and I've done alot of research on them.

your enclosure is a 20 gallon tall with plenty to hide and climb in, over 7 inches of mixed substrate they can burrow in and soon to have a topper on it.

I'm looking for 3 crabs

They will be moved to a bigger tank when full grown.

Please email me b.nicole.maxwell AT gmail.com

LAST UPDATED: 04/27/20

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MI, OH, IL, IN Adopters

Post by Khutchison3 » Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:35 pm


Hey there! I've had hermits crabs my whole life (25 years). Ive had my own set up for about 10 years. Ive recently set up a new 30 gallon tank but now I need more babies to fill it! I'm willing to drive up to 45mins away from cbus any direction. I'm willing to take in babies missing arms or legs ect.

LAST UPDATED: 08/02/20

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MI, OH, IL, IN Adopters

Post by MurkyCrabs » Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:25 am


I live in central Indiana in the Indianapolis area and I’m willing to travel up to 1 hour, but I’d prefer not to deal with shipping as to not stress out any crabs. I have been crabbing since early December (I quickly learned about the HCA and fixed my setup). I’m in a 20 gal setup and can take around 1-2 new crabs as I currently have 3 pp’s. I also have a 10 gal I can use as ISO for any issues with any crabs. I can adopt any species if an emergency as I am glad to change my care to be geared towards another species but I am most comfortable with PP’s. I’d prefer to be contacted through pm :)

LAST UPDATED: 02/13/21
Last edited by MurkyCrabs on Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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MI, OH, IL, IN Adopters

Post by Quinnthescrub » Sat Apr 08, 2023 12:13 pm


stark county ohio (uniontown)
my range is chagrin, cleveland, Medina, wooster, millersburg, newcomerstown, dennison, cadiz, east liverpool, youngstown, warren, garrettsville, and aurora
I currently have a 67 gallon with 10 pps
I would like to get some exotics
I feed them fruit, vegetables, the occasional baitfish or crayfish I catch at a creek across the street (which they really like), seafood, to name a few
I've had hermies since I was 8 years old in 2015
I have one that I got in the summer of 2017 (nearly 6 years as of 4/29/2023)
I heat the tank from 75-90 degrees f
I have critter keepers with a bubbler for water and a birch branch as a ladder
When i become an adult I plan on breeding in captivity and selling baby hermies
I use bottled and distilled water
I have a plethora of shells from 1/2"- 6"
my substrate is 7" of play sand
I hate ants, so I will unleash heck on any that get even close to my house
Since my tank is 3' tall, I am working on upper levels for my crabitat
my crabitat could probably accomodate another dozen crabs

LAST UPDATED: 04/08/23
Last edited by Quinnthescrub on Sat Apr 08, 2023 12:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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MI, OH, IL, IN Adopters

Post by Mallery » Mon May 29, 2023 12:24 am


Location (nearest large city, state, country): Peoria or Galesburg IL
How Far Can You Travel?: a little ways!
Size of Tanks, Number of Crabs, and Species: 2- 10 gal tanks and 2 hermits at the moment
How Long Have You Been Crabbing?: little over 6 months, never knew they would be so interesting and fun!!
What You Are Able to Adopt?: Any species of land hermit crab or any species of hermit crab with a little notice
I Would Like to Be Contacted By - Email - or - PM!! Either I am keeping my eye open I Have been looking to get a few more Krabbe's! this would be perfect. I actually got my first two on vacation.
This Posting Was Last Verified On: 5/29/23

My Crabs live in at least 6 in sand and eco earth moss ratio.
Heat supplement provided so that humidity levels are sufficient, with salt and freshwater pools. They have a small shell of crushed pellets available all the time just in case "although they never touch it", They get fresh natural food: including meat, fruit, veggies, coconut, eggs, crushed oyster shells w/ honey, baby food, and much more everything that is possible is organic. Lots of shells, plants, and climbing toys provided withing the aquarium.

LAST UPDATED: 05/29/2023

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MI, OH, IL, IN Adopters

Post by NEOhioHermies » Sat Sep 02, 2023 8:56 pm


UPDATE 2/11/23 - Putting a hold on new adoptions for right now. Recently adopted a few crabs (through this posting!). But please reach out if you're really in a situation!

Location (nearest large city, state, country): Cleveland, OH
How Far Can You Travel?: Anywhere in Northeast Ohio would be possible, but Lake & Geauga counties would be best
Size of Tanks, Number of Crabs, and Species: I currently have 1 strong and healthy 14-yr-old purple pincher. I have multiple tanks, the largest one and the one in use is a 26-gallon National Geographic terrarium. I can always size-up, too!
How Long Have You Been Crabbing?: 14 yrs
What You Are Able to Adopt?: 1-2 medium to large hermit crabs would be best
I Would Like to Be Contacted By - Email - lspilar90 AT gmail DOT com

About me:
When I first got hermit crabs 14 years ago, I had no idea that land hermit crabs are born in the ocean, don't readily breed in captivity, and that the crabs I purchased were almost certainly captured from the wild. It absolutely broke my heart (and made me angry), and since then I have been determined to help both wild and captive crabs. I believe fresh air, exercise, and good food are imperative. An animal who once knew life in the wild Caribbean will wither and die if confined forevermore to a glass box. My 14-yr-old gets periodic time outside his enclosure, and that is when he absolutely thrives. On summer days, when the weather is just right, I take him outside in a wire cage, and he loves it. I've used both natural sand and coconut fiber bedding in his terrarium (mostly coconut fiber these days). I use ONLY natural materials in the terrarium, never any plastic. I try to keep live plants in there, too, for natural humidity, for as long as I can keep them from being destroyed or dug up (ha). I change up the place often to keep him from getting bored. I only feed him organic fresh food and organic dried mixes. I have lost a few crabs over the years, in molting phases, but I have learned so much. I give the best care I can possibly provide, and certainly all the love!

LAST UPDATED: 09/02/23
Last edited by NEOhioHermies on Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MI, OH, IL, IN Adopters

Post by turoconnor » Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:51 pm

Edit: 1-27-2025 No Longer Adopting
Last edited by turoconnor on Mon Jan 27, 2025 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MI, OH, IL, IN Adopters

Post by Deisori » Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:09 pm


(current setup,thermometer and hydrometer removed)
Located in Newark,Ohio
Willing to travel only up to an hour
I'm not against adopting through mail,Id be willing to pay for shipping as long as it's not over $15
I've had Hermits for two years now,housing is a 40 gal,recently upgraded
I'm a proud watcher of crab central station and I aim to keep to their guides on crab care as much as possible.
I currently have two PPs,One named bat and the other is name pending. Their substrate is hermit beach on half,and cocopeat mixed with some sand and sphagnum moss on the other side,multiple hides,as well as multiple shell shops,two pools,and that's just the start since I'm working on the connected tanks!
I have shells all the way up to 1-3/4 inch on standby,as when I originally received my hermits My friend who gave them to me had a few shells to give that were quite large. My smallest shells are 1/3inch it looks like(maybe smaller,hard to read)
Temperature reads 78-82 regularly (we keep a warm house not only for Us,but the crabs and Lizard)(we also have a heat mat for them)
Diet consist of fresh veggies,fruit and protein( if My fiance or I get a snack,so do the crabs if it's on the feeding list)
As well as foraging items that include dried starfish,sticks,leaf litter that's been properly sanitized,scallop shells,small rocks,and mosses.
A corner of the tank behind a coconut hide is actually a small rockpile,which the crabs love!
Currently in process of replacing their running disc,their old one worn out and wouldn't spin anymore(I think moss grew in the cracks and dried there)

what other animals are in the residence? other than Hermies we also keep a Leopard gecko named Cheeto,a cat named Mailbox,and Three small dogs,Buddy,Wybie,and Gizmo.
We have a cat-proof top as well as what is called a 'scat-mat' so the cat won't mess with the tank any. She does however like to watch them as they run around their enclosure.
We can reasonably take two more crabbies (since I do need to quarantine jic,and I have two quarantine tanks)

I would prefer to be contacted Via email please! Pm may not get a quick response :)

LAST UPDATED: 06/08/24
~~better every day~~

Mr Crabs
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Re: MI, OH, IL, IN Adopters

Post by Mr Crabs » Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:19 pm


anybody in Illinois or NW Indiana looking to re-home hermit crabs I am looking to add some. I upgraded to a 120 gallon tank. There is plenty of climbing and enrichment options for the crabs. I have actual filtered pools that they can fully submerge. They are fed fresh fruit and veggies and occasional meat.


LAST UPDATED: 01/14/25

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OH Adopters: Looking for 2 PP

Post by Josie+12 » Mon Jan 27, 2025 6:30 pm

Hello, crab lovers!
Im located in Columbus, Ohio (specifically in Obetz)
I can travel up to 2 hours almost any day of the week, between 1pm-8pm and can be earlier on Sat/Sun.

Ive been preparing my 40 gallon breeder for hermit crabs: Filled with 6-7 inches of playsand + Mixed eco brick (ratio is 5 sand:1 eco) I have fresh and salt water pools & Prime ready to condition all the things. Instant ocean sea salt also ready for the salt water bowl. Air bubbler w/ two airstone ends for each pool. Ive a shopping list ready to pick up the food they need. Thermometer and hygrometer to monitor heat and humidity. Also have lots of climbing, and safe spots like a cave hide, mopani wood & fake plants, some platforms made from plastic organizer, and a rock. Added a Wyze camera to the outside front to watch the night activities!

I'm looking to adopt 2 purple pinchers, just to make sure they have enough space and resources (:

Both Email or PM is great to reach me ~ josieharruff[at]gmail[dot]com
Last Updated: Feb 20th 2025

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