I am new to crabbing the right way I guess you could say I had 3 friends a long time ago probably 12+ years ago when I got them. They surprisingly lasted 2.5-3 years being that I was a kiddo and didn't know I was taking care of them wrong
my aunt surprised my daughter with 3 hermies from the ocean. Im still busy catching up on things, I know I can't dig them out of their burrows but I got a small tank, heating pad, eco earth, a hiding hut, and some cork wood? I think. The pet stores near me were sold out of a lot of things so I had to order prime and instant ocean off amazon, that was all I could afford for the time being so i will have to get some shells and a hygrometer when I get paid next was not expecting these little guys to be so expensive!
Anyways, my only question for the time being is when the crabs dig themselves down is it okay for them to be completely covered? 2 of them immediately went to digging when I put them in and one of them I could see through the top where it dug through but the other is completely covered.. He'll be okay right? How do they breath while being completely covered?? Sorry if this is a silly question just have only seen to never dig them up but im not sure how to tell if he'll get stuck under the wood or hiding hut. Thank you for your time! And please let me know if im missing any supplies