Another Recipie Highwires Seafood Buffet

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Another Recipie Highwires Seafood Buffet

Post by eldorf.dragonsbane » Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:07 pm

In the Post asking about Favorite Recipes I posted I was working on another one that I dubbed Highwires Seafood Buffet and I would post it here.

1 TBSP- Freeze Dried Bloodworm
1 TBSP- Freeze Dried River Shrimp
1 TBSP- Freeze Dried Krill
2 TSP- Freeze Dried Cricket
1 TSP- Quinoa
1 TSP- HCP Mineral Supplement
1 TSP- HCP Oyster Shell Supplement
1/4 TSP Flax Seed
1 TSP Dried Crushed Eggshell
1/4 TSP- Spirulina powder
2 TBSP- Green Seaweed (Nori)

Tear Nori up into small pieces then put in food processor or coffee grinder, add Quinoa and Flax seed and grind.
Put mix into separate container
Put Bloodworm, River Shrimp, Krill and Crickets into grinder and puled to a course mix.
Add to previous mix.
Add in Mineral Supplement, Oyster Shells, Eggshells, and Spirulina to mixture.
Mix everything up.
Store in a sealed air tight container.

Can add coconut oil to mix to make a paste. Paste can be frozen for storage. I did a small mix of Highwires Seafood Buffet with the coconut oil and froze it in some candy molds that I bought at the Michaels Craft store I work at, the molds are the seashell candy mold and the sea life (sea turtles, starfish and clownfish) candy mold. Put one of the Sea Turtles in the Crabitat tonight and will see how it went over in the morning

Edited to fix a couple spelling errors and to clarify some of the ingredients are freeze dried
Last edited by eldorf.dragonsbane on Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Currently keeping 6 PP's- Tawas, Mr. J, Highwire, Mimzi, Carter and Taggart in a 29g aquarium

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Re: Another Recipie Highwires Seafood Buffet

Post by Pumpkincrab » Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:20 pm

Awesome recipe! Thanks!
Hi! Feel free to check out TheGourmetCrab here: ... ugg_market
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Re: Another Recipie Highwires Seafood Buffet

Post by CrabDad » Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:00 pm

am I doing something wrong here...?? Are you feeding your crabs just a powder? I feed them whole freeze dried crickets and small pieces of fruits and veggies. I figured they would be used to eating crickets (dead) in the wild??

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Re: Another Recipie Highwires Seafood Buffet

Post by eldorf.dragonsbane » Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:44 pm

I do give them whole occasionally, but have noticed that when I break the mealworm, cricket and river shrimp up into smaller the crabs seem to eat it more then the whole. I also don't grind it into a fine powder, I grind it up into a course mix, that while there is some fine powder it is mostly chunky pieces, I also do this with some of the grains and seeds that are larger in size such as pumpkin seed, wheat, beans, etc.

By grinding into a course chunky mix I am actually able to put less food down at a time resulting in less food molding or spoiling, anything extra when doing this is easily stored in air tight containers that have silica desiccant packs in them to help keep the stuff longer.

What I do typically put in whole is stuff like leaf litter and dried flowers along with smaller grains and seeds, along with the occasional whole cricket or shrimp.
Currently keeping 6 PP's- Tawas, Mr. J, Highwire, Mimzi, Carter and Taggart in a 29g aquarium

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Re: Another Recipie Highwires Seafood Buffet

Post by curlysister » Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:57 pm

CrabDad wrote:
Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:00 pm
am I doing something wrong here...?? Are you feeding your crabs just a powder? I feed them whole freeze dried crickets and small pieces of fruits and veggies. I figured they would be used to eating crickets (dead) in the wild??
You are not doing anything wrong! There is definitely more than one way to successfully keep happy and healthy crabs!

Some people feed only pre-packaged foods. Some feed only fresh. Some only dry. Some a mix. Some in big chunks and some in powder form.

I have had my two crabs for over ten years now. In that time, I have fed a variety. If I am going to be away, they get only dried food so it lasts longer. In summer when I have tons of fresh stuff from the garden, they get mostly fresh. Other times of the year it is a combo of the two. Sometimes the dried stuff is a powder. Sometimes I have to think that the crabs must like the challenge of ripping things apart and put in larger pieces- after all, they do have claws made for it! And sometimes it is just fun to watch them pick at a cob of corn or tear apart whole leaves!
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Re: Another Recipie Highwires Seafood Buffet

Post by Wlfwo » Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:42 am

Mine are lazy, they won't bother with the dried pieces. When I run it through the grinder they go all out for it.

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Re: Another Recipie Highwires Seafood Buffet

Post by eldorf.dragonsbane » Sun Nov 08, 2020 11:37 pm

I am thinking of doing a slight variant of this and calling it Mr J's Spicy Gumbo (or Mr J's Fiery Surprise), where instead of quinoa I use rolled oats and instead of spirulina I use powdered Carolina Reaper pepper, I am also thinkign of replacing the crushed eggshell with either Blackberry Powder or if I am able to get it locally Powdered Honey, along with adding Mealworm and Sun Dried Red shrimp (from ZooMed).

BTW the Seafood Buffet that I added the coconut oil to to make it a paste then put into the candy mold and froze to harden up some was a hit, not sure what crab or crabs it was that got to it but they demolished it so that only a tiny bit was left. I have a couple more of them made up sitting in the freezer, in the shapes of another sea turtle, a starfish and 3 clown fish. Thinking these will make nice treats for them. Did put some chia sprouts I have in a terracotta pot saucer, so far doesnt look like it has been touched other then being flattened as a crab walked through it.
Currently keeping 6 PP's- Tawas, Mr. J, Highwire, Mimzi, Carter and Taggart in a 29g aquarium

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