I've had my Jengles and SpongeBob for about a week now..I just recently changed them to a bigger tank (10 gallon)..The first day I put them in Jengles buried himself into the corner of the tank..the next day I noticed he had changed shells and has been above the sand since..Now SpongeBob hide under the coconut hut and was semi-buried into the sand. Jengles joined him under the hut and I could see both of them. I noticed yesterday that the sand had been pushed up toward the entrance of the hut..This morning when I checked on them; SpongeBob is now completely buried in the sand way down (still under the hut) and Jengles is in the log sitting..(I can see just a bit of SpongeBob's shell)
After reading some of the post about molting I did not realize that they can molt for so long..I'm worried about SpongeBob, but know after what I've read that it is possible I might not see him for awhile...

I am waiting for my digital thermometer to get here so i can check on the humidity in my tank...I have moss in there now and keep it moist (spraying 3-4 times a day), because it drys out..I keep checking the sand to make sure it is still moist. so far so good..Now do i need to spray it with water if i notice that it isn't moist (new crab owner)...I also have a screened top and have placed towels on it to help keep the heat in leaving a small space open...