Crabs returning to same old shell after molt?

This forum is where you discuss issues relating to molting hermit crabs, including pre- and post-molting issues. If you are having a molting emergency please post in the Emergency Forum.
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Crabs returning to same old shell after molt?

Post by CrabbieJabby » Fri Jul 30, 2021 3:25 am

Hi friends, I'm new here and this is my first time posting so I hope someone can inform me! I have 2 crabs that my kids gave me for my birthday a couple months ago. I knew nothing about crabs or crab care but I really love them and am doing my best to learn and give them the right conditions, food and so on. My question, is it normal for crabs to go back to the same shell after molting? From what I had read, I thought they were supposed to move to a larger shell. :crabblush:

My smaller crab, Jabby, has a shell only about an inch across and in the time I've had him he has only been above the sand a few days. I did discover he molted, only because I saw an area that had some of his old exoskeleton on it and he had buried himself under a nearby piece of wood. Since coming out a couple days ago, I see he is in his same old shell.
My other crab, Crabbie, is quite large, shell about 3.5" (opening maybe 2"). He has spent almost all his time above the sand and moved around regularly until about 4 weeks ago. He tunneled down under a different piece of wood and I figured he was going to molt. I haven't bothered or done anything to him except today, I lifted the wood because I worried he might be dead after so long. It looked like he did indeed molt, and tried to put himself back in his old shell???

Can anyone tell me why my crabs would be returning to their same shells? Will Crabbie switch into a different shell once he emerges from his molting hole? There are a few of different sizes I provided. This has been a huge learning experience for me. Thank you to any responders! :crabbigsmile:

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Re: Crabs returning to same old shell after molt?

Post by aussieJJDude » Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:28 am

It's common for them to change after a moult, and even then, if the old shell is heavily modified they may be drawn back to the old one. Just provide them a variety of suitable, sort after options and they'll change into something permanent once ready.

A handy hint, try to get the same species of shell they are in, as they are more likely to change into it. Especially if its a shape sort after by that species.
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Re: Crabs returning to same old shell after molt?

Post by curlysister » Fri Jul 30, 2021 10:49 am

I have had my crabs for over ten years. They often don't change shells after a molt. Or like JJ said, they change and go back to the old one.
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Re: Crabs returning to same old shell after molt?

Post by CrabbieJabby » Fri Jul 30, 2021 3:54 pm

Thank you both! This was really helpful!

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