Help! New Crab Mom & Crabs won't eat!

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Help! New Crab Mom & Crabs won't eat!

Post by GAPeach252121 » Sun Aug 01, 2021 5:45 pm

Hello Everyone! 😁
I could really use some help! I have been a hermie Mom to two small hermies for one and a half joyous, informative, and fun weeks but all I can seem to get my crabs to eat is a TON of wood (yes, wood) and a smidge of timothy hay😕😔🙁. I have provided them with a standard crab powdered-ish food along with a variety of veggies and fruits that I read to do and they want NOTHING to do with any of it. I've given them blueberries, grapes (which I did get a tiny nibble out of), carrots, blackberries, tomatoes, broccoli, dried and regular cherries, and a few others and they won't go anywhere near any of it. Not to be tmi but they have been having regular B.M.I.s which is good but makes sence given that alls they are eating is pure fiber lol. I'm at a loss here and any advice from more knowledgable and experienced hermie owners would help! Oh yeah I even tried offering them some of my turtle food with the hermit crab food out of desperation, and they still wouldn't touch it...HELP!!!

-A worried GAPeach252121

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Re: Help! New Crab Mom & Crabs won't eat!

Post by CrabbyLover77 » Sun Aug 01, 2021 7:14 pm

Hi there!

Your hermies sound like mine. My guys aren't big fans of fresh foods. They love lettuce and eggs, and occasionally will pick at ground beef or turkey. Otherwise, they seem to prefer dried foods. Here's some things my crabs like that are dry:

Freeze dried mealworms, crickets, grasshoppers, shrimp
Flaked coconut
Amaranth seeds
Crab/lobster exo
Bee pollen
Pure Bites dog/cat treats (they are freeze dried, one ingredient, proteins)
Oak and maple leaves
Calcium powder
Popcorn (plain, no salt or butter)
Zilla fruit mix
Sesame seeds
Worm castings
FMR Hermit Crab Treat

Hopefully this will give you some goodies to try out on your crabbies.

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Re: Help! New Crab Mom & Crabs won't eat!

Post by curlysister » Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:10 pm

I swear that for the first few years when my crabs were small, the only way I knew they were eating is that they did not die. It seemed like I put in and took out the same amount of food.
And I could see poop. If they are pooping, they are eating. I didn't really pay attention to what they liked and didn't like. I just kept offering a variety of both dried and fresh foods, offering different things. I have always noticed popcorn disappear, but otherwise I don't actually even really keep track of what they eat and what they don't. I am a laid back crabber, I don't stress too much about too many things. I have had my crabs for over ten years, so it must be working, LOL.
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Re: Help! New Crab Mom & Crabs won't eat!

Post by Alaina » Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:57 pm

I agree with curly. Some tend to eat when we aren't looking. When I first got mine I didn't see them do much eating or drinking. I was actually worried they were sick but they were just in a new environment. It can take a few months for them to adjust as well. Like she said if there's poop they are eating. I keep foods made from a crab Cafe down for 24hrs and change it out so they always have reg food and at night I put in a variety of different fresh foods(sometimes meats,fish,fruit,veggies etc)that I take out in the morning. Also I leave cuttlebone in there all the time. Plus remember they are nocturnal by nature and like to do alot of stuff in the dark at night. Esp when they are in a new environment they can be scared. Just keep putting the right foods out and give them a variety of things they should have. Good luck!

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Re: Help! New Crab Mom & Crabs won't eat!

Post by GAPeach252121 » Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:52 pm

Thank You SOOO much guys/gals 😁This is all great advice! I will definentely look into the (so incredibly helpful 😄) list of items Crabbylover77.

I just read an article that You can actually feed Your hermies baby food. Have Y'all ever tried that? The article said that it was nutritionally powerful and a great way to introduce a good variety of foods to them. I'd love to know Y'alls thoughts...

Also good news...I read that honey was a good last resort, high value food and also nutritionally beneficial to the hermies so last night I put some banana with honey in their cage and actually saw Shelldon take 2 quick bites of the honey, thank goodness 😁😁😁 He can eat!!! Lol

I SOO appreciate any and all of Y'alls wonderful advise from a brand new hernie Mom of 2 🐚🦀

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Re: Help! New Crab Mom & Crabs won't eat!

Post by HermieBingo » Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:45 pm

just wanted to add:

I have never actually SEEN my hermit crabs eating, but I have seen a totally chewed up baby carrot before! Yes, I did find it dragged around to one of the hideouts! lol so funny crabs!
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Re: Help! New Crab Mom & Crabs won't eat!

Post by aussieJJDude » Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:11 pm

Baby foods are fine and safe, particularly if you're able to feed organic if possible. Many crabbers find their crabs are drawn towards pungent orders, so try the smelliest foods (if its good or bad smells, doesn't matter) and see how they take to them.
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Re: Help! New Crab Mom & Crabs won't eat!

Post by Alaina » Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:48 pm

No problem. I love being able to ask random questions on here as well as things I'm unsure of. It's a great community! I also agree with the stinky stuff lol. Mine love those little shrimp. When I got them I wasn't expecting to see a can, full of tiny mini shrimp, fully intact and smelly lol. They love them though. I'm so glad they are eating. They probably have been. I rarely see mine eat, I do see the mess lol

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