Hello! I'm a new hermit crab owner. I've had my hermit crabs for a little over a month. When I first got them they were extremely lively, constantly getting into trouble, and two of them are still going strong. But my third, Clawdia has been acting weird. I don't see her often and when I do she is very lethargic. Earlier I saw her and she looked a little light in color, but I might have just been imagining things. And she used to be my most active

My other one, Coconut will sometimes willingly climb into my hand. And Leonardo Dapinchi is at least eating and scuttling around. But is that normal for clawdia? Her behavior changed very quickly so maybe she is going into a molt? If so what should I do? Temp and humidity are in the 70-80 and the substrate is three times the height of my largest crab. They have both fresh and salt water with coconut hides, fake plants and some rocks that they love. They are in a twenty gallon now but I want to upgrade to a thirty or forty.

So conditions should be OK. any suggestions? Thank you!
P.S they are purple pinchers
Leonardo Dapinci, Clawdia, Coconut. Rest in peace, Samwise!
Aussiedoodle puppy, Watson <3 Super sweet, and super cute!