So I got him set up: 10 gallon tank, both fresh water and salt water dishes and a food dish! I set up his tank and set him in there and left him alone because I assumed he was very stressed with all the movement and such. I slowly added to his tank, he now has fake plants, a little hut, and climbing sticks, along with some moss! I have a small heater and temp/humidity gauges on each end of the tank. And I mist him daily or when his humidity drops.
After a few days I noticed sand in his water bowl and I was so happy! Because that meant he came out during the night. But his food never seems to be touched, I bought the pellet food with meal worms and shrimp in it, he is a smaller crab so I ground it up for him and added a little calcium powder. But it never seems to be touched. He did molt since I got him and yet he is always hiding. I stay up most of the night normally and he never comes out. If I take him out of hiding he will soak himself and climb around until he finds his way back to his hut to hide. When I go to grab him he is always buried deep in the sand under his moss, before I got the temp gauges I thought he was just cold but the temps are fine! I don’t know why he still hides so much! Anyone have an idea?
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