Too humid...

This is where you discuss the conditions of your crabitat -- temperature, humidity, substrate, decorating, etc.
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Too humid...

Post by crabbygirls » Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:18 pm

I'm worried that our crabitat is too humid. On average it's about 88-92% but it's gone up to 94, and once so high that it just said Hi (it's digital). The temp range is between 74-78. I haven't put a heater because i don't want to humidity to go up any farther. We have a 29 gallon tank with 6 inches of a 5:1 sand and eco earth substrate. We haven't sprayed or anything at all besides wetting the substrate to sand castle consistency when we filled the new tank two days ago. We have aquarium leaves, cholla wood, salt water tub and freshwater (both dechlorinated with no bubblers), a little hamster wheel, shell shop, etc. and some moss, but we didn't moisten it. We have a glass lid that is the slightest bit short, so there is about a 1/4" opening, plus we put a shell in there to prop it open a little higher and we open it whenever we walk by just to release some humidity. I'm a little concerned they'll figure out a way to push that up...but I also don't want to get mold in there. Any other suggestions for bringing down the humidity? We don't have any condensation yet. Thanks in advance!

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Re: Too humid...

Post by hermitcrablover2 » Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:10 pm

I think usually hermit crab tanks are okay for a little bit even if the tank is at 100 humidity, just make sure its not that humid for too long, and you should make the tank less humid if stuff starts getting moldy
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Re: Too humid...

Post by curlysister » Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:42 pm

There is no such thing as 'too humid' for the crabs - even at 100% (which is raining) they will be fine for even long periods of time.

Also, even at 80% humidity, things will often mold - that's the combo of humidity and heat. Soaking items that are prone to mold in salt water and allowing them to dry can help lessen the molding. That said, mold will occur more at higher humidities. If you want to lower the humidity, just vent the tank more, and keep and eye on your temp and the moisture of the sub.
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