how to get temperature stable?

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how to get temperature stable?

Post by pcmm03 » Wed Mar 01, 2023 10:38 pm

Hi all-

I’m trying to get my temperature stable before I leave my crabs for about a week. They’re underground right now (molting) so I want to make sure conditions are right. I currently use a regular heating pad but it turns off after 2 hours, and when I’m gone I won’t be able to turn it back on. Any advice on what to use to keep temperature stable for an extended period of time? I don’t want to start a fire- of course but am kind of worried about that with under tank heaters.

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Re: how to get temperature stable?

Post by CrabbyLover77 » Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:45 pm

Where is your uth? It should be placed on the back or sides of the tank, never underneath. Why does it shut off after 2 hours? If you hook it to a thermostat, you can program it to stay whatever temp you want it to. It should kick on when it reaches 2° below the set temp, and kick off when it reaches the set temp. Here's the thermostats I use: ... 102&sr=8-3

Also, for humidity, I use glass tops for all of my aquariums. It really helps keep the tanks nice and warm and moist. I never have to mist or use foggers.

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Re: how to get temperature stable?

Post by pcmm03 » Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:57 pm

CrabbyLover77 wrote:Where is your uth? It should be placed on the back or sides of the tank, never underneath. Why does it shut off after 2 hours? If you hook it to a thermostat, you can program it to stay whatever temp you want it to. It should kick on when it reaches 2° below the set temp, and kick off when it reaches the set temp. Here's the thermostats I use: ... 102&sr=8-3

Also, for humidity, I use glass tops for all of my aquariums. It really helps keep the tanks nice and warm and moist. I never have to mist or use foggers.

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the heating pad I use is currently on the back and side of one part of the tank sort of going around the corner. it shuts off after 2 hours because it’s actually my heating pad. the one i initially got for them turned out to be broken :/ so i put mine on the tank as a temporary fix.
will that thermostat work with any type of heating pad or do i need a specific one ?

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Re: how to get temperature stable?

Post by CrabbyLover77 » Thu Mar 02, 2023 12:43 am

pcmm03 wrote: the heating pad I use is currently on the back and side of one part of the tank sort of going around the corner. it shuts off after 2 hours because it’s actually my heating pad. the one i initially got for them turned out to be broken :/ so i put mine on the tank as a temporary fix.
will that thermostat work with any type of heating pad or do i need a specific one ?

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Ah I see. I wouldn't trust a heating pad meant for people to be left on while you are away. Reptile Basics and Bean Farm have Ultratherm uths that work really well. That's what many of us use on here. Make sure you never bend those around the corners though. They have to be duct taped on the back and/or sides, laying flat against the glass. Another good brand of uth is Flukers (avoid Zoo Med pads). You can plug those into the thermostat I gave you the link for. It will regulate the temp so they don't overheat.

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